JavaScript PickList, Version 1.1
If I had a penny for every posting on that asks about reproducing @PickList functionality on the web I would have about, oooh, two pounds.
There is a response somewhere on there, from myself, pointing to a solution on an old version of Having received lots of mail asking where this has gone, I've resurrected it.
This is version 1.1 and fixes a problem with the navigation of views. It also addresses some of the problems with Netscape (still one or two left though).
Feel free to get in touch with any requests for additional features.
Note: This db has been developed in R5 but the idea is sound for all versions of Domino. The attachment is over there on the left, called
Search in the PickList
This functionality was great. We had over 20K documents to go through so adding a search was imperative. We added the JavaScript "jump-to" function to the picklist. Now when users go in they can type in some or all of the name they are looking for and we can take them there without using endless "Next Set" and/or "Previous Set".
Picklist and radio button field limit
It was great. But works for a limited number of documents as the radio button field will hit the field size limit if too many documents.
Re: Picklist and radio button field limit
Hi! Nice solution. I have made more complex solution for this "web picklist": 1) search; 2) change view on the fly; 3) one/more value selection; 4) "modal" dialogbox (tested in IE5.5, Netscape 7.1, Opera 7.5)
Right now (20.08.2004) I am working on No. 4 4) change the sequence of selected values if there are available.
My solution is not a product, but if you have inspiration to make like it and finaly write article for code store (my english is to poor), feel free to contact width me.
p.s. solution contains JavaScript and DHTML
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picklist in web
we usually use picklist in notes client in order to select keywords from a view. Coul tou help us witha any solution in WEB ?