Inspiring Creativity
There's no doubting that this summer's Olympics were inspiring. Their tagline was "Inspire a generation", which I hope they did. Personally speaking, I don't find Olympians inspiring. I find it almost weird, them wanting to sacrifice so much just to be the best. I respect that they do it though, I guess.
What I do find inspiring and what I really respect is when people have a natural and creative talent. Over the last couple of weeks I've been amazed by a couple of examples of creativity. Not least because they're both by people I know.
The first case is my step-daughter's boyfriend who is currently at university studying animation. During his summer holiday he's been working on the following animated clip to accompany a song he chose.
The music isn't my taste, but the animation is amazing. Hopefully it's a sign that he has a bright future.
The other example is by a friend who does video compilations of his kids. Here's an example of one of a trip to the Olympics this summer.
This clip I found inspiring, as I knew, while watching it, that I too wanted to make the same type of video of my own life.
Deep within me there's a creative person who needs an outlet. Often that's through my work. But then I can go long periods where work doesn't allow me any creative expression. This is why I need a creative hobby; something that produces an end product I can look at and feel pride in knowing I made it.
I've since invested(?) in a professional grade DSLR capable of HD 1080p video. Here's my first attempt at gelling together its output in to a meaningful montage (harder than you may think):
As well as allowing my creative side an outlet these videos serve as future memories. A video says so much more than a photo ever can.
Looks like a good start Jake.
Have you looked at this site / tool -
You still need to have the creative input but it can help smooth out the edges.
You will have to let me know the secret on how you got the purchase justification for the DSLR past Karen ;-)
It's a like-for-like thing in our house. If I have a treat so does she. We're expecting a new 3 piece suite any day now...
Nice videos, and a great idea for a change from hundreds of photos (which is my normal way of working) - my youngest starts school next week. Maybe I'll try a 'first day at school' one.
Sounds like me. I have 1000s of photos. All archived away and very rarely viewed. With these videos and my Apple TV they're on my TV to watch whenever I choose. Maybe that will be very rarely too. But, for now at least, I'm watching them over and over.