
Another Playhouse Update

Because I know you can't wait to find out how it's getting along, here's an update on the playhouse, which, as I should have known, is taking way longer than I'd first thought. Oh, and costing way more too.


There are more photos here.

The 150 pound budget is now closer to 300. Thanks mainly to the addition of the "astro" turf, which ain't cheap.

So, yeah, it's turfed now and the house is built (there's even a roof on it). Left to do there's felting the roof, cladding the exterior, painting it all (covered in a tarpaulin at the moment) and making some windows and a door. So far I've spent 5 days on it and I reckon there'll be another two to go at least.

Not that I mind how long it's taking and costing. Most importantly the kids are loving it. I'm excited for them. My worst fear was that they'd show a fleeting interest and then act like it's not there. So far though we can't keep them off it. Mind you they do seem to just stand at the wall and watch in envy as the kids next door bounce around on their trampoline. How long before I hear "Daddy, me won won dose". Kids! Never happy!!

Anyway, I'll post a finished picture of it next Monday...


    • avatar
    • Dragon Cotterill
    • Mon 17 May 2010 03:23 AM

    "is taking way longer than I'd first thought. Oh, and costing way more too."

    Sounds like 99% of all known IT projects to me.

  1. Trampolines: fight the temptation. They're an accident waiting to happen. Our neighbor kid had one - he broke his leg. And I hear about kids getting mangled on them all the time, either by falling off or getting caught between the frame and the bouncy part.

    I'm not one of those over-protective parents, and trampolines can be a lot of fun, but... I draw the line with this one. Anything that's actually designed to fling kids high into the air is pretty much a recipe for a broken neck.

      • avatar
      • Jake Howlett
      • Mon 17 May 2010 02:39 PM

      Don't worry. I'm not even tempted. Safety fears aside I've got some strong views on trampolines and there'll never be one on our garden.

  2. Agreeing with Sean:


    • avatar
    • Lance Jurgensen
    • Mon 17 May 2010 08:35 AM

    I'll 3rd the notion that the Trampoline is an accident waiting to happen. Two (or more) kids at once = broken nose, teeth etc... My kids have always wanted one, we just said no! ;-)

    • avatar
    • Keith
    • Mon 17 May 2010 09:17 AM

    I'll also say that trampolines should be avoided. Just watch "America's Funniest Home Videos" orthe UK equivalent. Trampolines are a good way to get hurt, and hurt badly. My wife's a physical therapist ("physiotherapist" in British) and she cringes every time she sees someone get on one of those things.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 17 May 2010

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