
Worst. Birthday. Ever

Woke up as a very poorly 35 year old this morning. Just as I thought I'd escaped the tummy bug the kids and Karen have had over the past few days it goes and wipes me out on my birthday. Kids.

Karen had arranged a surprise meal at "Nottingham's best restaurant" - the ever-hard-to-book  World Service. Looks like we may have to cancel unless I make some miraculous recovery. Damn those kids and their bugs.

Back on my 31st birthday I wrote:

I know it's just a number and everything, but this one feels a lot more depressing than 30 did. What must 35+ be like? Best not to think about it I suppose.

So, what is 35+ like? Too early to say, but it does sound "old", the more I dwell on it. Heck, I'm half way to 70!

One thing I have noticed as I pass through my thirties is that I am finally becoming a man. Anything under 30 and you're still just a boy really. Life begins at 35...


    • avatar
    • ChrisC
    • Mon 11 Jan 2010 08:14 AM

    Happy birthday jake - I am a couple ahead of you - youngster!!!

    Get well soon (oh yes and stay away from that computer!!)

    • avatar
    • CJ
    • Mon 11 Jan 2010 08:26 AM

    It's when you think of your age as "statistically, that's n percent of my life over" that you're not a boy anymore! ;¬)

    • avatar
    • Jon
    • Mon 11 Jan 2010 08:42 AM

    Happy Birthday Jake, 35 years young today, wait til you hit 40, then you might start feeling old....

  1. Happy birthday Jake.....

    • avatar
    • Mike A.
    • Mon 11 Jan 2010 09:10 AM

    Well, I'm four months into 57 (single), and on good days I still feel like 35 on the inside. The bad part is that I can't let on about it around the younger gals, lest they sneer and brand me a "creepy old man".

    But you should be okay until about 55 -- that's when the parts really start wearing out and you can't hide it anymore.

    • avatar
    • Tim
    • Mon 11 Jan 2010 09:18 AM

    Happy birthday !!!!

    And I hope you get well soon..... But I understand what you mean with life begins at 35. I turned 35 a few days ago as well, and I have the same feeling....:o)

    • avatar
    • Phil P
    • Mon 11 Jan 2010 09:33 AM

    I feel your pain - I turned 35 on Saturday! Only 30 (or probably 35), more years until retirement.

    Happy Birthday

  2. Happy birthday! Hope you get well for dinner tonight!

    I turned 40 last March, and that was a much bigger thing (in a way) than turning 35. Mostly because I am single, and I was afraid that women would precieve 40 as "old" while 39 was still "young". But I have not seen any difference. Not that you have those issues, but I don't think society consider 40 old anymore, not like they did when we were young.

    35 is the new 25! :-)

  3. Best birthday wishes and hoping you recover miraculously in time for your night out. Oddly, I woke up feeling about the same as you but I'm struggling through the day. The show must go on!

    Happy half 70!

  4. Happy birthday !!!!

  5. Happy birthday Jake

    I really felt turning 35, I noticed at the time that in a lot of surveys the age groups were:

    18 to 25

    25 to 35

    then 35 to retirement age,

    Was I really to be considered in the same group as retirees.

    Mind you with that mind set it it made being 40 plus a doodle.

    Have a good one, even if you cant make the restaurant.

    • avatar
    • Michael
    • Tue 12 Jan 2010 09:52 AM

    Didn't see this until today. Happy belated Birthday Jake! Sorry it was a bad one. I ususlly don't feel my age until my two years younger sister reaches milestones. Then I feel it big. When she turned 35 it was really tough for me!

    • avatar
    • Bernard
    • Wed 13 Jan 2010 08:25 AM

    Well, as one of my wise friends says whenever someone complains about getting older: the only real alternative is worse! So, look on the bright side, and enjoy another day with your nearest and dearest :-)

    • avatar
    • Joel
    • Sun 17 Jan 2010 12:50 PM

    Well, I just made 35 myself at the beginning of December. Just another day.. more gray hair.

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