
Merry Christmas To All My Readers

Sorry about the recent silence. Been busy trying to tie things up before the year's out. Before I sign off for Christmas I just wanted to wish you all a merry one and to update anybody who's interested on a couple of the things I've talked about of recent.

New Car Arrived

One of the things that has pre-occupied me over the last couple of months has been buying a new car. It arrived last week and we love it. Despite it being a "cheap" car (it's no Audi Q7!) it feels lovely to drive and, although it doesn't have all the mod-cons, it does have a lot more than the 8 year old Audi A4 it's replacing.

Most of the things it has are the things you can live without until you have them -- automatic headlights and wipers, rear parking sensors, bluetooth on the stereo etc. Having had them for a week I don't think I could go back to not having them though!

All in all it's a great car and I have no regrets at all. The only problem is I just want to go for a drive all the time, whereas I normally try and avoid using the car unless it's essential to.

Thanks to those who helped me choose a petrol over a diesel by the way!


Having played a little with ASP.NET recently I soon realised I just don't have the time to learn it the way I traditionally like to learn things - by diving in and tearing other stuff apart. Instead I have arranged for some one-on-one tuition.

Karen's friend's husband is an ASP.NET developer who also runs his own company here in Nottingham. I went for lunch with him last week and have arranged to buy a day of his time in January. The plan is he comes to sit with me at Rockall HQ and help me get familiar with all the fundamentals of ASP.NET development and deployment. Will let you know how that goes. Paying for training is something of a foreign concept for me, but I'm hoping it will pay in the long run.

I'm excited about 2010 being a new decade and potentially a new start.

Anyway, hope you all have a great Christmas and New Year whatever you're up to. It's cold here. There's snow on the ground, Baileys in the fridge and a log fire burning. It all feels very festive.

I'll leave you with a video of Ben 10 Felix 3 morphing in to "bonfire man".

Here's hoping the "ben den skate bore" he asked Santa for last week on a visit to his grotto gets delivered in time. I don't want to see the monster he'll turn in to if not...


    • avatar
    • Jon
    • Mon 21 Dec 2009 08:47 AM


    Happy Christmas, and a Happy New Year.


  1. Merry Christmas to the growing Howlett clan, Jake! You never know, Felix could be the next child super hero. Just need a catchy secret identity... maybe a cape. At very least a giant watch and utility belt.

    • avatar
    • Indy
    • Mon 21 Dec 2009 08:52 AM

    Jake have some great days!

  2. Have a great holiday season and thanks again for all your Flex demos. They have helped me tremendously.


  3. Jake

    Happy Christmas, Happy New Year . . .

    And THANKS for your continuing support ;)


  4. Jake,

    Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year. Keep up the good work.


    • avatar
    • Suchitra Swain
    • Tue 22 Dec 2009 07:19 AM

    Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you all.

    • avatar
    • Giulio
    • Tue 22 Dec 2009 09:51 PM


    Getting a days training from somone is a great idea. I had tried to do a part-time course run by a university here in Sydney and it was outsourced to a IT consulting company. I won't say which uni or who ran it because they were bl__dy hopeless.

    They were just a bunch of coders, who knew lots of stuff, but couldn't teach their own dog to fetch let alone provide a grounding in .Net.

    So, teaching can be a nasty business if you're not sure who's doing it and what their background is. Having said that though, a one-on-one should be quite productive if you come at it with a meaningful objective that this fellow can help you with. Merry Xmas...


    • avatar
    • Dave
    • Wed 23 Dec 2009 05:53 AM

    As a personal preference I don't like the idea of automatic wipers. It's bad enough when it just rains a little and the wipers screech across the windscreen and constantly smear rather than clear the screen.

    Anyway enjoy your new car and thanks for the great blogs over the past 12 months.

    Wishing you and your family a fantastic Xmas and New Year.

    • avatar
    • Nick
    • Wed 23 Dec 2009 06:14 AM

    From someone who went from Domino 90% and asp.net/vb.net 10% to now 90% VB.NET 10% Domino.....sitting down for a day should be a great help...from going from one technology to another, there is nothing similar going from lotusscript and all, to vb.net and all. Much easier going this route than the JAVA route...enjoy learning vb.net/asp.net.

    The plus about VB.NET/ASP.NEt is you have tons more control over the controls and functions.

    The minuses about vb.net/asp.net is that you have tons more control over the controls and functions.

    • avatar
    • Mingle
    • Tue 29 Dec 2009 02:01 AM

    Do you plan to give up lotus?

      • avatar
      • Jake Howlett
      • Tue 29 Dec 2009 02:42 AM

      Maybe at some point in the coming decade, but definitely not any time soon.

    • avatar
    • Giovanni
    • Tue 29 Dec 2009 03:02 AM

    Happy New year to you all.

    Your son is beatiful and I wish you and your family a year full of serenity and satisfaction


    • avatar
    • Alastair Grant
    • Tue 29 Dec 2009 06:19 PM

    Hope you had a good christmas and Happy New Year! Rgs, Alastair

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 21 Dec 2009

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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