
New Comment Email Alerts Seem To Be Working

Following up on my post about the HTC Hero clock annoyance I'm happy to report that I've since discovered that HTC released a new ROM. In the update they've addressed battery life and performance issues by removing the clock animation and other pointless bits like it. I've now updated my phone and am once again happy with it (it really is a very nice phone!).

I discovered the ROM thanks to a comment from a first-time poster on codestore who was having the same issue. It was this comment that led me to do some Googling on the subject and hence I learnt of the ROM update. Assuming the original commenter would also be interested I replied to the thread. This triggered an email the user who then came back to reply. There's little chance he would have returned normally, were there no email alert. Proof, should I need it, that the new comments feature of getting alerted via email is working as I intended it to.

Further proof of its usefulness came yesterday when a question was asked on an old blog entry. Normally I'd be in two minds about replying as I'm never sure if answers are ever read. In this case though I know it sent him an email so it's worth doing so.

When I find time I plan on making further improvements, as per your suggestions, such as allowing non-commentators to signup for email alerts to threads. You can signup to individual RSS feeds as it is, but didn't you hear? RSS is dead!


    • avatar
    • Mike Bylett
    • Fri 6 Nov 2009 08:13 AM

    Long time reader, first time poster.

    Glad to have helped, even if not directly. Now by my count I still owe you at least 49 times before we're even. Codestore has often been the answer to my Domino conundrums.

    Keep it up.

  1. Jake,

    I am noticing a strange behaviour when visiting your site (using Firefox):

    The page never finishes loading. It seems that there is an endless connection to www.google-analytics.com going on.

    I already disabled Adblock Plus but this does not change the behaviour.

    Do you have a clue why this happens?

      • avatar
      • Jake Howlett
      • Mon 9 Nov 2009 02:54 AM

      Is it only on pages with Flex demos on Mark? I've noticed pages with Flex in sometimes seem to never finish loading.

      If not then I don't know what it might be. Seems fine in Firefox for me.

      Show the rest of this thread

    • avatar
    • Dragon Cotterill
    • Mon 9 Nov 2009 02:55 AM

    RSS is not dead. For me it still out performs any other system going.

    I use Netvibes for all my reading goodness. I have one tab that is dedicated to Domino feeds. Ironically, Codestore is top left of that page (ever wondered why I'm usually so fast to respond to your posting Jake?).

    All the other feeds are on there as well. Yes it duplicates some of Planet Lotus' feeds, but it does mean I never miss the nice juicy technical discussions that go on.

    And yes, the email replies are a bonus. Wish more sites implemented them. All those based on Wordpress systems automatically include this functionality.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 6 Nov 2009

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