Printing Colons To Web From Notes Agent? Beware!
On of my many, many tasks today is to enable the output of a Notes-based view as an iCalendar (.ics) file, so uses can import it to the own calendar application.
To do this is simple. Just print the content-type "text/calendar" from the outputting agent and then print out all the entries in the required format.
I wrote the code to do this in very little time but then spent just as long wondering why on earth the content wasn't being outputted.
Then I realised what I'd done. Remember a couple of years ago I mentioned a way to print data to the content headers of a page? Inadvertently, that is what I had done.
Here's what my code looked like (simplified to prove a point):
Print "content-type: text/calendar" Print "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" Print "BEGIN:VEVENT" Print "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20090909" Print "END:VEVENT" Print "BEGIN:VCALENDAR"
When I opened it in the browser all that was in the file downloaded was:
After a maddening ten minutes or so I realised that all the lines after the content-type header were also being treated as headers. Firstly because they are in the format "XXX: yyyyy" i.e. a word followed by a colon. Secondly because I hadn't put a blank line between the header and the output. My code should (and does now) have looked like this:
Print "content-type: text/calendar" Print "" Print "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" Print "BEGIN:VEVENT" Print "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20090909" Print "END:VEVENT" Print "BEGIN:VCALENDAR"
There's a lesson in there somewhere!
iCalendar Format??
Didn't know you could export in a standard calendar format? Well, you can. Here's an example file which is based on this standard.
To output your Notes-stored dates in the right format you can do this:
Print "CREATED:"+Format(doc.Created, "yyyymmddThhMM00")
Although you might need to modify that if you want it accurate to the second or you're in a different timezone to GMT etc.
Great post Jake!
I've toyed with the idea of creating a sync widget for the Lotus Notes Client that would allow push/pull of calendar entries to Google Calender via iCalendar and the Google Calendar API. Just a matter of finding the time in the day.
Perhaps we can suggest it and get it going as an openNTF project!
Jake, could you send me a copy of the export agent? It's for personal use only....
Likewise, if only I had the time Chris.
It's on its way Keith.
Jake nice hint. An altenative way to generate your ical files is to use a Java agent (or a servlet) which makes things a little easier (unless you are scared of Java, which we all know you are not). Easier because there is a ready made library available that allows you to just fill in the properties and it will take care of all the formatting and stuff for you. Check out:
and of course you are aware of the calendaring schema documentation
Hadn't seen those links Stephan. Thanks. Very useful bookmarks!