
Another Week Gone By

Isn't it crazy how quickly a week can fly by. I had every intention of blogging at least a couple of times this week. Before I know it it's Friday and I've just not had the chance to.

The trouble at the moment is manifold. For starters Minnie isn't sleeping well. Karen has agreed to get up in the night on the proviso that I look after the kids in the morning so she can have an hour of so of a lie-in. This means I'm lucky to be in the office before 9am. So, when I do get to the office, I need to get stuck in to work. Writing a blog can take upwards of an hour, believe it or not.

The most common question I'm being asked by people (in the real world, that is) at the moment is:

How's work? Have you been affected by the credit crunch?

The short answer I usually give is "Yes and no".

The longer answer is that it seems to early to tell. While I feel some customers are holding back on things because of the general air of uncertainty, others are still spending and I'm as busy as always.

That said, as to what the future holds, I have no idea. That's always been the case though and six years of running Rockall has taught me not to worry about the quiet times - the work will come at some point. Fingers crossed. Anybody need a freelance developer?

As if having all my work commitments isn't enough, Karen and I decided to do something about the state of the dining room. To do this I had no option other than to rip out the whole floor. Although Karen would have been happy with a fresh layer of varnish I wanted to do it right and there's only so long wooden joists can last (106 years in this case).

This was the room little more than a week ago:


It's now at the point where it's ready for dad and I to lay the parquet, which should be happening this weekend. Needless to say this is taking up all my spare time at the moment.

Throw in to the mix the fact that I need to find time to spend with the family and I'm sure you can imagine I don't have much left over to blog with.

Sometimes, when I actually stop for long enough to think about everything I have on my plate I get a funny feeling. It's hard to describe but I imagine it must be what people who are about to have a panic attack must feel like just before they do.

I'm not one to say I thrive under pressure or anything but I do like having lots to keep me occupied. On the flip side I look forward to having a quiet spell where I can relax for a while.

This isn't me making excuses or apologising for the quietness. Codestore has had prolonged quiet spells over the years. They always pass though and I have plenty of stuff to talk about, just not the time to right now. I know I keep saying it, but, stick with me...


    • avatar
    • Mike
    • Fri 20 Feb 2009 08:55 AM

    Jake -

    I hear you ... I get asked the same thing several times a week. My typical answer is "right now things are fine but I don't about 6 months from now" because, well, I don't.

    Since running my own gig fulltime my anxiety levels have increased 2, 3, 4 times and these days I lie awake at night wondering what the future holds... but I wouldn't trade it for going back to working for someone else.

    Just have to keep pounding the pavement.

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Fri 20 Feb 2009 09:12 AM

    You sound just like me Mike. It doesn't stop me *getting* to sleep, as such, but every now and then, if I wake up in the early hours, it can stop me getting *back* to sleep -- worrying about the future.

    Likewise, wouldn't trade it for anything. No amount of stress can be worse than commuting to an 8 hour stint in an office.

    • avatar
    • Israel
    • Fri 20 Feb 2009 02:53 PM

    Well, we all need a 48 hours days, atually when I try to a lot of things, i sleep just, 4 or 3 hours a day, and after all I am tired , but the most wonderfull moments in my soul and mind are the spent with my family (wife, fathers, brother..etc.), ..there is a pharse ..... and i always keep with me ..because i can not forget it when I sleep a few, " You can do anything, but no everthing".

    I follow you since 2003, nice job.

  1. Jake,

    Isn't there that basic rule of 'never aplogise for not blogging'? My blog is having phases of dead silence caused by other commitments in my life. And while it's certainly nice sharing knowledge with each other on the web it isn't the most urgent thing to do. Is it?



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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 20 Feb 2009

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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