
Links of Interest Section Has Been Resurrected

Another change I made to this site recently, which I doubt many of you noticed, is the resurrection of my "elsewhere" links. Both the displayed section and the feed.

"Elsewheres" are nothing more than links to other pages on the internet that I found interesting and think you might like too. They first appeared on this site in January 2005. From then onwards they appeared in the yellow-looking sidebar on the homepage, in their own view and also on the blog document for the day on which I linked to them. They also had their own feed.

Then, last September, I discovered the use of FeedDemon's News Bins. Since then I've still been bookmarking useful pages, just not actually on codestore, but in this feed, as it's so much quicker and easier to drag to the News Bin than to login in here and create documents in this site. I'm assuming some of you subscribe to that feed? If not it's still useful for me personally as an online bookmarking system.

I'd always meant to remove the elsewhere section from the homepage but never got round to it. This made the homepage look stagnant as the last date showing was September 2007. That's not good in webland, is it now!

So, what I've done is write a little scheduled (hourly) Java agent to download the "news bin" and create "elsewhere" documents on this site. Thus keeping that part of codestore alive and kicking.

If you're interested in how the scheduled agent works here's the code.

If you're interested in what I'm interested in then you might want to see the links I, errr, link to. To do this you have three options:

  1. Simplest option is to subscribe to the Newsgator feed.
  2. Alternatively you can subscribe to the feed on this site which is an hour out of sync.
  3. You can visit this site and see them on the right hand side of the homepage. Note that you can also search them on this site to find links you thought you saw at some point (I know I do that still).

So there you have it. Another little change which will hopefully help revive this site a little and is another step towards Codestore v7 (this is 6.5 you're looking at - what, you mean you didn't know that!?).


    • avatar
    • Thomas
    • Fri 4 Jul 2008 09:10 AM

    Another approach is to use Google Reader. When you read a feed in Google Reader you can "share" it and it immediately is showed on my webpage.

    You can also "share with comment" which means you can comment any shared links with other people using GR with more information about why you think it is a great link.

    Maybe not better - just different

    • avatar
    • Robin
    • Sun 6 Jul 2008 08:22 AM

    Jake [Unrelated to this post]

    I have returned to Domino development after a gap of some years and your site is a great resource, as it used to be all those years ago.

    Seriously some of the articles from your site, I used in 2001-02 e.g. CSS/HTML look are still proving handy.

    You are an inspiration for keeping the commitment going all these years and the best/most usable/most effective source of Domino knowledge out there.

    Keep it up.


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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 4 Jul 2008

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

Your host is Jake Howlett who runs his own web development company called Rockall Design and is always on the lookout for new and interesting work to do.

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