Many-to-Many Document Relationships With Notes -- Code
Why didn't anybody tell me the demo was broken in IE yesterday?! I feel so stupid. If you looked at it in IE yesterday and wondered what the hell I was going on about, look again now and it should answer that.
Anybody want to see the code? It's quite simple and a good example of the use of recursive sub-routines.
It's a bit too lengthy to post inline so I've put it in this .LSS file (plain text).
The code in the file is from the WQO agent of the form called "$$ViewTemplate for demos.hierarchy". This is what you're looking at when you open the demo. It's a little trick I use to have clean-looking URLs. It's a pretend view but without any "ReadForm" on the URL. The actual view called "demos.hierarchy" doesn't actually get shown on that form. Instead there's a rich text field on the form called Hierarchy, which as you'll see from the code, gets populated by the .add() method of my HTMLArea class
There's a little bit more code in there than that, but this is the guts of it and what makes the technique work. That and the view which is categorised by the multi-value ChildOf field I talked about.
What about a download? As you can see I've added this demo to the "DEXT" application, which is becoming the place I put all demos (easier than creating a new database each time I want to demo something). My plan is to "sell" this everything-in-one-place database for a charitable donation. Well, that's the plan. Whether I do or not I'm still pondering. Would any of you resent doing that? I'll talk more about the concept next week some time.
Hi Jake,
I noticed that it did not save in IE6 yesterday but thought it was me.
I still can't save a record, so is there a problem still lurking for IE6 users?
Woops. Fixed now. Thanks Alan.
Let's get the ball rolling - I'll "buy" it
I've learnt so much from codestore over the years, and making DEXT available would be of even more benefit. I think a charitable donation would be perfectly reasonable.