
Excuse My Absence -- Illness, Paris Break and Garage Rebuild

Forgive me readers, for it has been two weeks since my last blog entry.

Rather than being a sign of things to come it just reflects how much I have going on at the moment. As well as having lots on I was struck down by some nasty illness (which cared not how much I have to do) early last week and then the latter half of the week was spent in Paris on a city "break" (which was just hell -- do not take small children away on city breaks!).

As well as having lots of work to be getting on with in the office I also have a new one to build. After weeks and weeks of waiting the local council finally replied to let me know that planning permission wasn't needed to demolish the old garage and build a new one. Dad and I wasted no time in knocking the old one down. Two large skips and a lot of digging later and this:

Has become this:

The footings are almost ready for the delivery of 2 cubic metres of concrete at 4pm today. Tomorrow my "little" brother, Leo, will start building the shell of the new one. He's hoping to have it done by next weekend. All that remains is to add a roof, put the doors and windows in and get it all wired up. Once the plasterer has been and I've put some flooring down I can move in. All being well that will be before the end of April. Peace and quiet at last.

When I'm that busy in the day I always plan on posting here later on at night. Trouble is I just haven't had the energy. As Karen says, I "just type for a living". I'm not used to a hard day's work shovelling and shifting bricks.

Anyway, back to normal next week once I've handed it over to Leo for building to commence.


  1. Jake,

    I know how you feel. I was out for three weeks with an extremely bad sinus infection that I got from my wife and then was spread to my kids. In two weeks, I have to put hardwood flooring throughout the entire house that we just brought. My wife hates carpeting. That is going to be a major project that will take up most of my evenings and weekends for next two weeks. Good luck on your garage.

  2. Hurrah! Glad to see the ball rolling on the new "garage". Also, I'm envious of the pool of talent you have to draw upon. Will Dr. Tim also come in for the wiring work? ;o) You're a blessed lad, Jake Howlett, to have such family. I suspect you fully know it.

    Best of luck with this project - what a major difference it will make to your working day.

    • avatar
    • Erik
    • Fri 28 Mar 2008 08:43 PM

    If it's not too late and if you're pouring a slab, I suggest laying tubing for radiant heat. The cost is minimal when you're already pouring a new slab, and you don't have to go through the expense of hooking up a heat source till next winter. If you have the time, you can handle laying it out yourself. I have more info if you want it.

    It would be so cozy to have a nice warm concrete slab under your bare feet while hammering away on your blog during the dead of winter.

  3. Hrmm... I suddenly think a radiant heat system would be the perfect heatsink for a liquid cooled, overclocked system... No noisy fans, just a little pump.

    Just have to figure out what to do in the summer.

    absurd, yes. funny, I hope.

    • avatar
    • Mark
    • Tue 1 Apr 2008 05:28 AM

    Is your Dad really far away? Or has he shrunk since the last time I saw him?

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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 28 Mar 2008

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