
Adverts, Links and Giveaways - Incentives for Charitable Donations

How embarrassing! It looks like some of you are having problems with the sponsor form. That's what happens when yours truly hurries a website together at such short notice.

It's funny as George's dad, Shaun, has been hassling me for a while now about getting the site ready. I've been stalling for time and telling him that I wanted to make sure it was in a reasonable state first, as my professional reputation would be on the line once I mention it on here. That reputation now wears another dent.

If you tried to pledge yesterday and don't see your name listed on that page please could you try again? Make sure you include an email address and that the amount pledged is a valid number.

To those who've pledged (or at least tried to) so far I want to say thank you. To the others I want to offer an incentive to sponsor. As worthy as the cause is I still want to try and help convince you to part with your cash. I am thinking of offering the following:

  • All donors will get an honourary mention and a link to their website. *
  • All donors sponsoring at least £20 will also get a copy of the codestore template.
  • All donors sponsoring at least £50 will also get a copy of Ultrabase when it is released. **

For the more generous and those with a company or a product to promote I have the following to offer:

  • Donating at least £50 will buy you a text-based advert to be displayed on every page of this site. Your ad will be chosen randomly at page-load time from all those "purchased".
  • Donating at least £100 will buy you a text-based advert that will always display on every page of the site and above the random ones.
  • Donating at least £250 will allow you a non-animated, graphical, banner-sized advert to appear on individual blog pages.
  • The highest donor will get a non-animated, graphical, banner-sized advert to appear at the top of every page on the site.

I'm thinking this incentive will run for a month or two (depends on interest), but I'm not sure of the finer details yet. If you have any suggestions or questions please get in touch.

If you've got a better idea as to what you'd like in return for your cash, please let me know. Maybe signed photos or codestore.net t-shirts?

I've been asked about running adverts on this site in the past but have always resisted the temptation. I make enough money out of the site in other ways without having to run ads. However, if the money's there, then I might as well take it and give it to those more needy than I.

So, if you're interested in any of the above get sponsoring. Be sure to add something in the comment box about which promotion you want or email me separately if you'd like some privacy.

* This link will be Google indexable. Usual links in comments use rel="nofollow" and so don't count towards Google PageRank.

** This is something I have been thinking of doing for ages and even thought about marketing it as a product from which I could make a profit. The idea is a sample database that combines all the demos I've made available over the years — all the tricks in one package.


  1. ain't it always the way....The form works fine from the other side of the world!

    All I want is for codestore to keep going.

    Have a good ride Jake

    • avatar
    • Mark
    • Wed 18 Jul 2007 05:21 AM

    Signed photos? Now I've seen it all.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 17 Jul 2007

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

Your host is Jake Howlett who runs his own web development company called Rockall Design and is always on the lookout for new and interesting work to do.

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