
Making Up For Lost Time

To make up for the fact I've been too busy to blog recently I sat down last night and spent a couple of hours knocking together a demo download and rough cut article for a technique I've been meaning to share with you for a while now. The article is called Accessible Ajax With Domino Forms. If you use Ajax you really should read this and take note.

Why so busy? Well, remember I talked about the art of estimation in May? In that post I included a photo of our hall, which, at the time, had no floor. That floor now looks like this and is so close to being complete I can taste it. If you share our taste in Victoriana and period homes then I hope you'll agree it looks great. All the hassle I've had in getting it this far have been worth it.

Obviously, the hall floor isn't all I've been doing in the past two months. But when you're juggling it with keeping fit, earning a living, looking after a baby and having quality family time it doesn't leave much left over for blogging.

Laying the floor in the photo is a friend and professional tiler, Shaun. Like me, Shaun is father to a young boy. More on that next week though. It's charity time guys!


  1. Wow! Jake - that floor is gorgeous! "Instant envy" now has meaning for me. To say Shaun is a professional is an understatement. That's some masterful tile from what the photo shows.

  2. Definitely Amazing work.. It's come a little ways since that last picture :P

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Thu 12 Jul 2007 11:06 AM

    Thanks Jerry. Thought you might approve ;o)

    The end result is down to his skill, experience and tools combined with my nit-picking insistence on nothing short of perfection. I'm like his worst customer - stood looking over his shoulder all the time telling him when something isn't good enough. The bonus of having known him for almost 20 years is that I can tell him exactly what I'm thinking. Something you should be able to do with all tradesmen but manners normally prevent you getting exactly what you want. Must learn to be more assertive.

    • avatar
    • glyn
    • Sun 22 Jul 2007 01:41 PM

    Hi Jake, I know exactly where you are coming from as I decided to re-build a house (nearly) on my own, still have no office, toilet, bathroom or kitchen but still hoping to move back in before Chrimbo. Still cannot get away from work as I find myself now fixing builders laptops and IT consultancy services!

    No time to update the house blog, but will do at some point in the near future

    Floor looks fantastic :-) well done ...

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Written by Jake Howlett on Thu 12 Jul 2007

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

Your host is Jake Howlett who runs his own web development company called Rockall Design and is always on the lookout for new and interesting work to do.

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