
Everything Becomes Crystal Clear

Last month I was talking about my IT budget for this year and said:

My window in to this world for the past 8 years has been my trust [sic] 21" Sony CRT monitor. Although it's done well to survive it is showing signs of being "on its way out". It pings on and off sometimes and there are wiggly lines coming down the screen if you look hard enough. That's why another part of my IT budget has been put on reserved [sic] for when the Samsung SM226BW 22" TFT comes on the market. It's had good reviews and should save some desk space.

Since then I've been contemplating whether or not to switch from CRT to TFT as well as try to track one of them down. This weekend I made my mind up and managed to find one in my local PC World (spit indeed, David). Swallowing my pride yesterday I walked in to the Nottingham PC World and picked up a brand new 226BW for £235 (web price gotten by using "Collect at Store").

How did I manage without it!?

Having had it on the desk next to the old CRT I can't believe how dull and lifeless the old monitor was. Whether this was through age or not, I don't know, but I can see a massive difference straight away. Any doubts I had about switching are now gone.

My idea had been to somehow run them side by side for a while, letting me make up my mind which to use on a permanent basis. However, I'm so impressed by the TFT that I've simply unplugged the CRT and mercilessly tossed it aside after eight years of dutiful service.

It's time to make way for the future. What with CRTs becoming a thing of the past. It's all about TFTs now. While I was in PC World waiting to be served beneath the blue narch * I didn't notice a single PC for sale with a CRT. This helped allay my other worry — that switching to a TFT means I wouldn't be seeing what I create through the eyes of a proportion of my users. That proportion will be ever-decreasing and so not something to worry about too much. For now, having a TFT is the better option.

The Sony 21" CRT cost me a whopping £650 all those years ago. About four years ago, while working with Mike Golding, we went up The Tottenham Court Road (why is it cool to put "the" before the names of roads, but only in London?) and I bought a 14" Sony TFT for £450. Now the price is hard to resist. Even Karen didn't have much ground for objection.

Now, not only do I have a crisp and clear display I also have a load of desk space I didn't know I was missing.

* The man who greeted me with a cheery hello at the door pointed me over to the "blue narch" when I asked where to find what I'd reserved. The what I asked? The "blue narch!" he repeated. The "blue what?" I asked again looking round the shop for anything at all that was blue. The ba-loooon arrrch" he said, patronisingly slowly. Didn't I feel stupid!


  1. I made this switch a number of years ago, and I was surprised how crap my CRT looked. The odd game I play looked like it had been graphically upgraded or the colours re-done :)

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Mon 18 Jun 2007 05:10 AM

    Yeah, I was a little surprised I could prefer a TFT over a CRT. Maybe there's a snob in me that had always assumed CRTs best and had always stuck with one as "it's what the pros use!". Bit like preferring vinyl over CD I suppose.

  2. My mate Dave - the professional photo chappie ( {Link} ) has finally switched from CRT to LCD. Why ?

    Its not because of the brightness, etc. Its because now they're stable enough to properly calibrate colour-wise - the early ones werent.

    So he's got a mac pro desktop (quad Xenon, 8gb ram) and a 30" - yes THIRTY inch - LCD panel for proofing photos.

    ---* Bill

  3. Whats a CRT? LOL J/K. I honestly dont know how you waited so long. It has been at least 6 years since I used a CRT. I have heard, in theory, that TFT is easier on your eyes as well.

  4. A CRT? Isn't that one of those things you point at your head to dole out a steady stream of radiation?

    Welcome to the new world, Jake. I've been buying flat panel monitors for any family member who agrees to ditch windows in favor of Ubuntu or Kubuntu. So far only my in-laws have been persuaded.

    Just for nostalgia sake, some things we will miss about CRTs:

    - display any resolution at any frequency (TFT / LCD will sometimes not be able to show anything in certain display modes)

    - that familiar "hum"

    - the comforting warmth of the radiation bath

    - the ability to stare at a flickering 60hz screen and magically not notice it is flickering

    Ah - fond memories indeed. Well, so long faithful old CRT, happy new life as a door stop / boat anchor / 40 ream paper weight!

  5. I recently lost a 23" CRT (my back still hurts from lifting it off the desk) and have been using a 19" LCD TV as a stand in while I search for a replacement.

    as a tv, the LCD I have is fair, but the response time is far too high for gaming.

    The specs on the one you got are spectacular, and It looks like I can get it for about $315USD.

    Looks like I may have found a winner.

    • avatar
    • Michael
    • Mon 18 Jun 2007 04:19 PM

    Ya gotta love the new large LCD's. I do have a story as I've been forced to recently switch back to the CRT (Samsung SyncMaster 750s). I had used the LCD for almost two years and it worked flawlessly. Amazing colour, great resolution but it made my 3D glasses from Edimensional.com obsolete. That wasn't the reason why I had to switch back.

    With the wide-screen LCD and using an arm LCD mount, I thought that I might rotate the desktop and try looking at the monitor as if it were a legal size sheet. It's easy to do with the swivel arm. Well it made for easier reading and it was novel for about two hours but I switched back. As there were no cooling vents at the top when rotated, I think one of the lamps for backlighting overheated and blew. So it went from great to unusable.

    Lesson - If you plan on rotating your display, make sure it can vent properly in that orientation.

  6. Try your new screen with 'ClearType' enabled.

    Makes reading much smoother.

    • avatar
    • Zen Lucas
    • Mon 25 Jun 2007 12:26 AM

    Jake - any reflections on this article now that you've got the monitor? - do you have the desired "S" panel? {Link}

    I'm about to buy the same monitor - glad to hear your happy report. Whatever "panel" is driving the thing you cant beat the 3 year no dead pixel warranty from samsung

    • avatar
    • Zen Lucas
    • Mon 25 Jun 2007 12:34 AM

    @Theo - Clear type is great - but maybe not so great for doing dev work. I spent a festive couple hours thinking my client was mad when they complained about the "pixelly looking" menu items. They didnt have it on, I turned mine off and yep some very ugly rendered text - a bit embarrasing

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 18 Jun 2007

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