
Codestore.net Now Running Domino 7

After a brief period of down-time this server is now back up and running Domino 7.0.2. I know this because I've been trying to access it on and off for the last hour or so and then, when it appeared, I tried this JSON URL, which lo 'n' behold worked.

For this I we have to thank Prominic.NET once again. Don't know what I'd do without them. Well, I do. I'd have to pay through the nose to cover the bandwidth and struggle to get the service they offer. As it is they host this site for free as a service not just to me but to you, the Domino community on which they rely.

Photo of Jake HowlettThis change prompted me to update the about page, which stated the server ran on Domino 6 and that I was 30 years old. Not only am I now 32 but the photo was outdated and about 8 years old.

Instead of hunting down another photo I was happy to use I went and got myself an avatar-style treatment of a more recent photo. You can get your own done at familiarface.info. It costs $35 and took about a day for mine to come through, but I think it's worth it. I love it.

If you know me or have met me I'd be interested to know what you think. Is it a fair likeness?


  1. Jake,

    You have to fix the link to the about page.

    Should be ../pages/.. instead of ../page/..

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Thu 8 Feb 2007 07:02 AM


    • avatar
    • tq
    • Thu 8 Feb 2007 07:38 AM

    Not sure if it is just me, but as a result it seems as if the speed of returning pages seems to be much improved on the site.

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Thu 8 Feb 2007 07:43 AM

    Hmm, hard to say. I've always found it fairly quick anyway. Quick and quicker are harder to tell apart than quick and slow ;o)

    Anyways, you've met me tq - what do you reckon - is that how you remember me from our night out?

    • avatar
    • Brian Miller
    • Thu 8 Feb 2007 09:49 AM

    Given the other pictures you've posted, I'd say it's a good likeness.

    Now, I want to know what kind of photoshop kung-fu I need to know in order to do that myself? :)

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Thu 8 Feb 2007 10:04 AM

    Brian. My first thought was along those lines, but then I thought what the heck and "treated" myself, effectively saving money by not wasting my time finding out I don't have the necessary skills...

  2. Jake.... Create your own SouthPark avatar {Link} and use that. *free*

    • avatar
    • Stu
    • Thu 8 Feb 2007 11:08 AM

    I thought Nottingham was more in the midlands, rather than north of England.

  3. Agree with tq - seems snappier - and I'm not too far from where Prominic's data center is.

    I think it's a flattering likeness Jake. I suppose you could take that comment two ways! I recognized you right off.

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Thu 8 Feb 2007 11:36 AM

    Nottingham is technically in The Midlands, but then you can subdivide the midlands in to both a north and south bit. I'm from the northern bit and a very working-class kind of town. To anybody from down south I am definitely a northerner. I say (or used to at least) "Am goin' t' pub" rather than "I am going to the pub". Dead northern me.

  4. WooHoo! Congrats on the upgrade!

    BTW, one of my mates has a custom license tag: "WHY AYE" - mean anything to you? :-)



  5. It's a whole lot of work, but the effect is REALLY cool (although maybe a bit much for an avatar...)


    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Thu 8 Feb 2007 01:32 PM

    Aye Charlie it does. I used to live up there and until we moved to Nottingham Quinn had the cutest North East accent ever. Now she can't/won't even do that accent as an impression. A shame really as the "Geordie" accent is one of the country's nicest.

  6. I love the image, Jake. While I've only seen you in your photos, it seems to me to be a good rendering. (shrug)

    I've tried my hand at making one of those, and it's not easy. Probably worth every penny, as nice as yours came out.

    • avatar
    • James Jennett
    • Thu 8 Feb 2007 03:17 PM


    I might get one done for myself and use it as a mask.

    Yes, my actual head is only 100 pixels high... ;)

    • avatar
    • Big al
    • Fri 9 Feb 2007 03:48 AM

    That there avatar looks just like a hero out of my 1967 Beezer Bumper Story Book for boys annual.

    Lashings of ginger beer and cake!!!


    • avatar
    • Niclas
    • Fri 9 Feb 2007 05:47 AM

    Did you get Domino 7 running on Fedora Core 3 (kernel 2.6)? We tryed Core 4 and it didnt work. On the other hand 5 did work so.

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Fri 9 Feb 2007 05:58 AM

    Yes, but not personally Niclas. My hosts did. Whether or not it's a standard FC3 install or not I don't know. Probably not.

  7. I didn't know that you were into Grecian 2000 Jake.

    • avatar
    • Mark
    • Fri 9 Feb 2007 07:03 AM

    I've got an idea: Stop paying $35 for a picture that makes you look like Max Headrooms slightly troubled younger brother then you wont need to do so much 'boring work' to pay for it.

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Fri 9 Feb 2007 07:31 AM

    Mark. Two missing apostrophes from that sentence.

    • avatar
    • Jaap
    • Fri 9 Feb 2007 10:41 AM

    Great work Jake, read your About ...

    .... was never a big "techie" as a kid ...

    OK I can relief now ...I usually get things grind by only lookin at it;-)

  8. Gotta be honest Jake.... I get a sore neck looking at that avatar.

    • avatar
    • EN
    • Tue 13 Feb 2007 08:16 PM

    FYI: You seem to have lost your Favicon with the server update.

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Wed 14 Feb 2007 04:10 AM

    Thanks EN. Fixed now. Firefox had cached it so - even though I'd noticed it in FeedDemon - I assumed all was ok. Somehow the upgrade had overwritten with Domino's default icon.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Thu 8 Feb 2007

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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