Trendy Navigation Bars - Part 3 - CSS
Now we have the two images for our navigation bar we can go ahead and add them to a page layout using some simple CSS.
Here's one image and here's the other
. They have a combined weight of 179 bytes. Probably no more heavy than the CSS we use to apply them!
Combined as part of a navigator with a little CSS it ends up looking like this:
Pretty ain't it. So simple, yet so professional.
Tomorrow I'll package it all in to a working demo NSF for you to download and play with. If you can't wait that long then view-source to see the CSS. If you're happy with the CSS but not the graphics side of things then I highly recommend you download Fireworks and get yourself familiar with it.
Not to be picky, but the really long link is broken. I know it's just a demo, but the others all work. The database name is left out of the path. It reads {Link} and the working version is {Link}
Ok. I'm done being anal retentive now. An excellent demo, and a nice reminder of how simple to use Fireworks can be.
I guess I was being picky.
The second graphic couldn't be replaced with a style sheet rule?
From yesterday, it seemed liket hat would be the solution for that part since it's just a set of lines.
Not to sound like I'm fretting over bits, but at least it's easier to tweak the color then.
Jerry. Sounds like a feasible and good idea. Never thought of that.