
Mollio CSS/HTML Templates

Just a quick one today as I'm way too busty (woops) to blog.

The hardest part of creating any web app is creating the interface and, in particular, the CSS for a layout that works in all browsers. That's why templates are such a good thing. If you're stuck for inspiration, the budget doesn't allow much time for front-end work or you'd rather concentrate on the task at hand then you should probably consider using templates. There are some really nice ones here — Mollio CSS/HTML Templates.

Normally templates are merely a great place to start, but with these they almost good enough to use "out of the box". The PDF Style Guide is a great addition too. Nice stuff.


    • avatar
    • Jorge Coelho
    • Wed 8 Mar 2006 07:54 AM

    Nice typo and even better that you left it in for our enjoyment ;-)

    I've also visited www.glish.com in the past, but Mollio's templates seem more "contemporary."

    • avatar
    • Jorge Coelho
    • Wed 8 Mar 2006 07:57 AM

    Forgot to provide the link to the CSS templates on glish.


  1. OpenWebDesign.org (I have no affiliation) is another great resource for nice (looking) CSS/HTML templates.



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Written by Jake Howlett on Wed 8 Mar 2006

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