
Deleting Attachments in Domino 7

Today I was going to talk a bit more about XUL. That will have to wait until tomorrow as I need to make an announcement.

Remember last Thursday I said something really bad had happened with Domino 7? Bob Obringer had found a problem deleting attachments after upgrading to R7. Well, in that post I said "I hope Bob is wrong". Thankfully, it looks like he was.

I've since tested the technique in question under Domino 7 beta 4 as well as the final release. Both work fine. My Domino 7 server has only been operational for two days, so I didn't have it handy to test the problem before originally talking about it. I trusted Bob.

I'm left feeling foolish for taking somebody else's word for it. I guess the moral is to always make sure for yourself. I mailed Bob to let him know, but haven't heard back yet.

And now for something I find it very hard to say... ...Sorry Lotus.


  1. I'm sure glad I was (wrong)...

    Just got your e-mail last night. Been a crazy few days and my mailbox really filled up over that time. Actually did some testing this morning, and it's STILL not working for me... Going to start with a clean database and see what happens.

    Strange that they added the offset but it still works without it.

    Going to do some more testing and see if I can come up with a reason it's not working on my end.

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Tue 20 Dec 2005 04:48 PM

    I'm just glad it wasn't me who turned out to be wrong, for once.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 20 Dec 2005

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