
Wait, wait, wait

You can't make stuff like this up. I called Quinn the other day to do me a favour and get a phone number from a website, because I was without a connection. Thinking she was ready I started reading the web address to her - "w w w". Unaware (I assume) of what she was saying, she replied "Wait, wait, wait!". Exactly three times, I kid ye not. "No" I replied, "It's actually World Wide Web". Needless to say I was the only one who thought this was funny.

Kind of related: I called a ("bistro") pub the other day to book a table. There was nobody there so I got an answer machine. The message told me to try their website, which apparently is at "W W dot the lambley dot com". Alternatively I could leave a message. Damn, I was so tempted to leave a message and tell them I got an error when I visited ww.thelambley.com. Now that would have been funny. Ok, maybe not.


  1. LOL - I really love when people say their website is: "wwwcodestore.net"

  2. or even worse...

    My email is wwwjake@codestore.com

  3. My fave google feature is that ww.google.com works.

  4. The day my browser can decipher my ".cmo" domains, I will be a happy camper.

    • avatar
    • Darren
    • Wed 14 Dec 2005 06:13 PM

    Yep, numpties in charge of technical details, always good for a laugh. Listen to the radio and they'll invite you to "logon to our web site". Logon? Do I need to? Surely I don't need a user name and password. For web banking, yes. For GMTV's web site, no. Idiots.

    • avatar
    • Aden
    • Thu 15 Dec 2005 03:40 AM

    How come ww.google.com works?

    • avatar
    • Jono
    • Thu 15 Dec 2005 03:42 AM

    Aden - It's just a DNS alias - they own google.com domain so they can add whatever they like before the .google.com

    • avatar
    • Aden
    • Thu 15 Dec 2005 04:12 AM

    Ah Of Course, I should have know.. Thanks Jono...

  5. I always thought www stands for "World Wide Waiting" :))

  6. Have you not come across {Link} or {Link} guess that

    • avatar
    • Adam
    • Thu 22 Dec 2005 06:02 AM

    Travelling on the London Underground, I saw a very clever use of DNS alias. Thorntons, the chocolate shop now advertise not as www. but as mmm. so their advertised web address is mmm.thorntons.co.uk - quite clever I thought! (www. still works as well)

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Written by Jake Howlett on Wed 14 Dec 2005

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