
Finding Some Time To Myself

The big boys are all here now. Before they arrived men in combat clothing with sniffer dogs did a lap of the building. They came in here (the Internet Lounge) and sniffed around in the plants and stuff. One of them went behind the scenes and knocked the power out to all the laptops. We only noticed as they all starting going to power-save mode. Apart from that everything seems to be running ok.

So far I have spent most of my time telling people who come in with their own laptops how to install the drivers for our printer. Note that I only tell them as I am not allowed to physically touch their PCs. I can only "advise" on how they might do something. The problem with this is that I find it so hard to say no. Yesterday a lady came in who needed to print an "important" document that was on an IBM MicroDrive. She dropped a couple of names and mentioned it was for the Director General CEO of European Operations (or something). I just thought "it's not worth the hassle to say no" and I stuck it in one of the laptops.

Last night I finished my shift at midnight after starting at 9:30am! I'm enjoying it though. We get to move about and do different things which helps the time pass. One things for sure - I am not destined to be an executive. These guys work! They were still in here ordering coffees and working away at midnight as I left to find a bar to sit in and enjoy a beer.

I brought the "codestore" folder with me, hoping I'd find the time to sort it out. It's where I put links and NSFs that I plan on looking at in more depth and seeing what I can use for this site's content. It grows and grows and I rarely get chance to do anything with it. I was hoping I'd get lots of free time in the evenings here to sort it out and to write some long overdue articles. It turns out I barely have a moment to myself...


  1. Nice mission updates, Jake. Sounds like a really interesting time. Hopefully you do get some more down time to actually enjoy Paris!

  2. Hi Jake,

    Try to take some rest and enjoy some beers. Work is gr8, but a beer after a hard work day is priceless.



  3. Any pics yet? We must have visual stimulation ;)

    As for your destiny, I can think of better destinies than being an executive. A first rate inquisitive mind and a loyal following, I'd say you are ahead of the game at this point.

  4. Excited to hear how you'll like La Defense. You should probably be listening to Jean Michel Jarre while walking through La Grand Arche.

    I've been there only once as a tourist, but when I remember right, each of the 12 pillars the arc was build upon weighs 3 times the weight of the Eiffel tower. Which leaves enough room for discussions about what is the more ingenious building.

    Well, I for my part have made up my mind already.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Thu 6 Oct 2005

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

Your host is Jake Howlett who runs his own web development company called Rockall Design and is always on the lookout for new and interesting work to do.

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