
Back To School

Phew. The girls are back at school school today.

Working from home when you live with a teacher and a pupil is a double-edged sword; On the one hand it's nice that they get 13 weeks off each year, but then it can seriously affect your working patterns if you're not careful. Recently I've been working way too many 14 hour days just to try and balance spending quality time with the girls, doing some essential work on the house and keeping my customers clients happy.

Today was the end of their summer holidays. They've both been home for the last 6 weeks! When my workload is low this is great. We get to do nice stuff and have fun. When I've got lots on, as has been the case recently, it can be a drag. I hate to say it but I'm almost glad they've gone back. As much as I love having them around I need to spend more time in the office.

Did you notice the difference around here? I sense it's been a little below par recently. Don't worry, I'll soon rectify that. If you've mailed me recently you'd be forgiven for thinking I was ignoring you. Not so. I'll reply as soon as I get the chance. Articles? Yep, they're on their way.


  1. Working from home is great especially when everyone else has gone out for the day. I can get loads more done in my home office than when I have to go work in a real office.

    • avatar
    • Mike
    • Tue 6 Sep 2005 10:27 AM

    I used to work from home - now back in an office

    I would rather work from home (as Simon says, especially when no-one is around)

    I find I get so much more done.

    Less distractions than a "real" office. More coffee breaks though!!!!

    • avatar
    • rich
    • Tue 6 Sep 2005 03:31 PM

    I've done 5 years solid teleworking, but I've been doing it on and off since 1995 <glances wistfully at a box of old isdn equipment>... I still have the perennial problem of theres no 'time to go home' - I can get stuck into a bit of code and its 8pm before I know it. Hacker ethic?

    For the last 6 weeks I've been itching to get out to visit a customer, to escape the decibel level here...and guess what, just when I needed them most, they were all on holiday. Today was heaven.


    • avatar
    • Jason
    • Thu 8 Sep 2005 05:14 AM

    Working from home is fantastic one day per week, any more than that and I feel that I do more procrastinating than working!

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 8 Sep 2005 05:33 AM

    Jason. If the house you're working from needs paying for with the money you're earning it's not an option to procrastinate. For me at least. If I were teleworking for a company other than my own I might be tempted though ;o)

    • avatar
    • Johan
    • Thu 8 Sep 2005 02:53 PM


    Any blog items on marketing insight?

    Started running my own company, but clients doesn't seem to come in smoothly :(

    I'm a tech person, not a sales person. So any tips on gaining clients are highly welcome :)

    No, serieus, i always find people talking about the tech side of theyre business, but you hardly find any topics on the 'marketing' side of things. Or maybe i'm just not looking at the correct place?

    And, could someone explain the word "procrastinating", untill now this is not in my english vocabulair. Sorry for this!



    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Thu 8 Sep 2005 05:59 PM

    Hi Johan. This blog is my marketing. Without it I would be lost. I heard blogging like mine referred to as "passive marketing". I don't even realise I'm doing it! So, no, I can't office advise as I don't do any marketing that I am actually aware of.

    All the work I get is on the back of this site. Unless you want to spend 5 years building a Domino website resource I can't offer any advice ;o) Sorry.

    Procrastination is when you delay until tomorrow what you should should/could be doing today. Not to be confused with procreating, which I'm sure Jason wouldn't do at home while he's supposed to be working...

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 6 Sep 2005

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