
Concurrent Web Agents in 6.5

Marcus Bårström mailed me the other day with a question. Remember we talked about Concurrent Web Agents recently? Well, apparently, that setting no longer exists in Domino 6.5.

I've not checked this out, so not sure if it's true. Instead I trusted Marcus and promised I'd ask you guys if you knew. So, anybody know what happened and what the default behaviour is now?


    • avatar
    • Mark Barton
    • Mon 7 Mar 2005 02:20

    It appears the field is still there but just not visible.

    The value of the field = 1 so I assume its always on.


  1. ??

    It is still there:

    Domino Web Engine Tab -> at the bottom to the left.

    all there :-)


    Jesper Ki■r

  2. hhmmm...

    Your website does not handle international characters very well!

    My danish letter "AE" gets converted into a dark square!

    Thought that Domino handled that with ease :-)



    • avatar
    • Barry Lewin
    • Mon 7 Mar 2005 08:27

    like Jesper's server doc, mine also shows.....however in the section above it the following warning appears:

    NOTE: The following settings are no longer used in Domino. You should use them only for servers running versions prior to 5.0

    so one could imply this message also applys to the "web agents' section as well



    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Mon 7 Mar 2005 11:42

    Mine shows the field too but I think that has something to do with the mixed environment and that the admin server is on 6.0. Odd.

    Jesper. Sorry about the char thing. See yesterday's blog thread for a full explanation and (hopefully) resolution.

  3. I would be almost certain that the setting is now irrelevant. After rolling out our new Intranet (and everything going smoothly) I noticed the setting in the Server Doc was off, and yet there weren't any performance issues. I had the admins turn it on for that warm fuzzy feeling, but it (obviously) hasn't made a difference.

  4. I'm running 6.5.3 and the settings you guys are looking for is in the server document under the Server Tasks -> Agent Manager tabs. The setting are broken out into Daytime and Nighttime parameters (you get to define what these terms mean, which is nice) and you can set the Max concurrent agents for each time period.

    Hope this helps guys.

    • avatar
    • Matt
    • Mon 7 Mar 2005 23:00

    Sounds like the names.nsf needs to have the design replaced from pubnames.ntf, ensuring that the pubnames.ntf came from the sever installation package of the primary hub server, or atleast, the same version.

    As an FYI, I believe it's best practice in a hub/spoke environment to ensure that your primary Hub server is running the highest version of any spoke server within the environment (i.e. Hub is at 6.0.3, and a spoke is at 6.5.3 could cause issues).

  5. Garth: These settings are for the Agent Manager. Agents run from the web do not use the Agent Manager.

    Barry: "Prior 5.0" refers to disk Domino caching parameters which was used in 4.5 and 4.6.


    Jesper Kiaer


  6. I just did a little testing on Domino 7 Beta 3. I can assure you, that not only the "Run web agents concurrently" setting is still there, but it definitely DOES have an effect.

    When disabled, web agents ARE executed one after another, when enabled, they DO run concurrently.

    I didn't bother to re-check against 6.5.3, but I can't see, why they should step back on that in Domino 7.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 8 Mar 2005

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