
I love being a geek!

Once I had finished connecting top and bottom of the new house with 4 runs of cat5 I decided to draw myself a network diagram. Why? Because I am a geek!

Here it is:

My network diagram

It's not great, but then I didn't have much to go on really. Then, yesterday, I find a link on dblookup.info to ratemynetworkdiagram.com. I am not alone ;-) There are some real nerds on there. They have better looking diagrams than mine as they used Visio 2003 and I only had 2000. When my Action Pack turns up I will update it.

Obviously it needs to change as there's a new machine to add. I also plan on moving some bits about. This new server sounds like a plane taking off, so will probably move to the cupboard downstairs, along with the other servers. To do this I need a rack. More on this tomorrow...

This one is funny!


    • avatar
    • Jono
    • Wed 20 Oct 2004 03:44

    Surely you have your firewall positioned on the wrong side of your modem?

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 20 Oct 2004 03:48

    Woops. You're right. A nerd with no idea whatsoever ;-)

    • avatar
    • Jono
    • Wed 20 Oct 2004 04:04

    Well it was pretty nerdy of me to notice I guess... :)

    • avatar
    • Stu
    • Wed 20 Oct 2004 05:22

    Were there any conditions on buying the action pack. It looks like great value for money.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 20 Oct 2004 05:48

    Obviously Stu. From that page:

    "You can subscribe to the Action Pack if your organisation sells Microsoft products, or provides solutions based on Microsoft products and technologies to third-party customers. You must also be a Registered Member of the Microsoft Partner Programme. For more information, please read our full terms and conditions."

    • avatar
    • Stu
    • Wed 20 Oct 2004 06:04

    So what Microsoft products/solutions do you provide???

    • avatar
    • Ben
    • Wed 20 Oct 2004 06:10

    Lol, ratemynetworkdiagram.com. That's extreme geekiness.

    However, I have Visio 2003 at work...

    And I'm bored...

    And I have an home network....

    Watch this space :-)

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 20 Oct 2004 06:16

    None Stu, but they don't know that.

  1. I like that 'mini' network transport he's got. bps = 100 km/hr?

  2. Re that server being loud - it'll be hot as well!

    I had 8 pizza boxes sitting behind me for part of a new deployment at the beginning of the year. When all fired up they were so noisy I couldn't think - they were quickly moved into the computer room which runs at a cool 18 deg C. Amazingly enough, those 8 boxes where enough to push the temperature to a balmy 28 deg C! Too noisy to have sitting behind me and too hot to work next too!

    Look forward to hearing about and hopefully seeing some pictures of the rack!

    Have fun ya big geek!

  3. That looks so well, i also want to work at my home......

    • avatar
    • Pants
    • Thu 28 Oct 2004 06:33

    You're not alone - I have a network diagram on the office wall too.

    What I do notice missing from the network is a wireless media player - do you have one of those?

    Squeezebox and NEtgear's MP101 player appear to be good. Saw one in operation at a friend's house, and now I just have to have one....

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 28 Oct 2004 06:54

    I don't have a media streamer as yet. I use my iBook as a jukebox with iTunes using a shared drive on a server for storage.

    • avatar
    • kim
    • Mon 21 Mar 2005 04:11

    what a bunch of losers grow up nd get a life!!! JESUS!!!

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Written by Jake Howlett on Wed 20 Oct 2004

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