
Things on the up?

Despite not really being in the market for a job at the moment, I still subscribe to JobServe's daily email, which lists newly posted positions. My search filter is simply "domino" and I receive all types of jobs - contract and permanent. The messages get filtered in to a folder and every now and then I look through them, trying to get an idea in what state the market is. Things have been looking a little rosier recently. Then for the first time today, the message was empty, but for:

Sorry there are no jobs which match your filter

Logging on to the site I found there were actually a few positions, so maybe this was an error. What I also noticed was that they now offer RSS feeds of new positions. Instead of getting an email at 4am, that always gets ignored, I can get my own personalised feed. At the same time I read Domino blogs and news in FeedDemon I can now see new jobs as they're posted.

Jobserve feed in news reader

What's the point if I'm not on the job market? Well, it's always in my best interest to know what's happening out there. At the moment the company is going well and things look good for the immediate future. This may not always be the case though and I might need to dust off the suit and ties for a return to life in the office. It's been a year and a half since I last had a real job. Hopefully I can hold off for a little longer. There's nothing like working from home. People ask me if I get bored or lonely. Never. This time yesterday I was having a day off and in the Peak District visiting a friend. This time tomorrow I might be out on a bike ride or doing some DIY on the new house. This week I am between two projects and so have time to do other stuff. There's nothing worse than having nothing to do in a "normal" job but having to look like you have. I hate that. Working for yourself can be stressful but the rewards are worth it.


  1. Hi Jake,

    Do you use bloglines ? I heard that you can synchonize now feedDemon with it. Did you try it ?

    And could you add summary to your RSS feed instead of only the title ?



    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 30 Sep 2004 07:12

    Hi Gaston. No I don't use bloglines. Don't tend to keep up with blogs while on the road, just when at the desktop.

    I would add a summary to my feed but it's not easy with Domino and so I just have the title. PLus I like this way as it means people have to pay me a visit instead of just using a feed reader ;-)

  2. I am not suggesting you to put the entire post on the feed, but one or two lines of text would be more incentive that only the title.

    Anyway, I will continue to come here !!!


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Written by Jake Howlett on Thu 30 Sep 2004

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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