

  1. Hi Jake... don´t cara about what this guy said! Me, you and all your readers knows the true.

    Keep doing this gr8 work here on codestore. Thanks a lot!



    São Paulo - Brasil

    • avatar
    • Jerry Carter
    • Fri 10 Sep 2004 13:49

    Hm. Not so much an indepth article as a survey of technology and methods. Motivations, scope, societal influence and the evolution of news media seems to be out of scope for that document... all of which are far more interesting than simply relaying what you find when you follow links from Duffberts site. ;-)

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Fri 10 Sep 2004 16:32

    I've got no issue with anything David says in the article - it's well written and to the point. I just think it probably could have done with being written a year or two ago.

  2. For what it's worth... David had intended a much more comprehensive article with some of what Jerry touches on. But unfortunately the editors got ahold of it and turned it into a technical tutorial... In my opinion, the original article was much better.

  3. Its interesting that in the acknowledgements the article mentions LDD Today. Has anyone else noticed that that database seems to have died a unreported death?

  4. Perhaps David can be persuaded to publish the full article... maybe on someone's blog, Tom (or Jake).

    • avatar
    • Ross
    • Tue 14 Sep 2004 20:00

    Check out the developerWorks Blogs!

    Ok, sure, why not:


    I love the error, and how I should inform IBM of anything "I may have done" to cause the error :)

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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 10 Sep 2004

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