
Flash, he's alive!

My past is littered with more than a few embarrassing stories. One of the least offensive involves a tape-recorder and a copy of Queen's Flash Gordon (Domino site!). When I was young and even more stupid I recorded over every instance of the name Flash in the song with me singing my own name. The result was a badly cut song with lines such as "Jake - Ah - He's a miracle" and "Jake - Ah - King of the impossible". Luckily the one and only copy has been lost.

Anyway, back to the plot. Some more Flash talk. As you probably know, I've moved house recently. One of my new neighbours is an artist and owns a gallery on Nottingham's Derby Rd called Art House Studios. He's had a website created that he's not too happy with and is interested in me providing an alternative. Interestingly, it wasn't me that convinced him Flash isn't such a good idea. He told me he didn't like it before I even had a chance to wax lyrical.

I have to admit that the site does look flash and it's a good concept. It's just not very practical. How does he add and remove canvasses!? Something simple is needed. I'll let you know if I end up doing it and what it turns out like.

As with any work I do for people I know I am open to the idea of mate's rates and payment in kind. As part of this deal there may be a chance that I get to sell one of my own canvasses in his gallery. It's hanging in our living room at the moment and catches the eye of most visitors. He did seem interested in it and said it would sell. Then again, maybe he was just being polite. Maybe that and I could commission him to provide something to brighten up my new office...


  1. Jake -

    I myself have become a big fan of using Flash - when the situation calls for it. Recently I've completed an internal, online "museum" that outlines the history of this particular company. All interfaces are Flash, with a Domino backend. Content is served up from Domino via XML, turning over control of the content to the users. They love it! The content inludes images which are presented in a fade in/fade out slide show.

    -- Mike

  2. It's a pity you've lost that treasure of a tape - maybe he could sell that (modern art)!

    It might add some atmosphere to codestore, having a backing track...

    In the Mix, with Jake - Ah - He'll save ev'ry one of us

    • avatar
    • Craig
    • Fri 27 Aug 2004 08:26 AM

    "Luckily the one and only copy has been lost."

    ... Yeah right. That's what your parents say. Till it's wedding time. Mwuahaha. Wonder what the first dance will be?

  3. I have to agree with Craig... it's not truely 'lost' unless you can confirm it has been utterly and completely destroyed.

    And now that the world at large knows of it's existence, can you imagine what a great geocache it would make? ;-)

    • avatar
    • Karen
    • Fri 27 Aug 2004 02:12 PM

    What size is that canvas, Jake? I probably can't afford it, but it's stunning.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Sat 28 Aug 2004 06:59 PM

    Which canvas Karen? His is 122cm by 183cm and costs £450. Mine is A3 and a costs a lot less than that ;o)

    • avatar
    • Karen
    • Tue 31 Aug 2004 08:25 AM

    I meant yours. Now I'll have to look up what size A3 is, and figure out that currency conversion. (laugh)

    Best do it quickly... once you put it in his gallery I'm sure the price will skyrocket. ;-)

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 31 Aug 2004 10:43 AM

    Glad you meant mine Karen. I didn't want to presume so ;-)

    Get in touch via e-mail and we can work something out. A3 is 42cm by 29cm or 11" by 16".

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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 27 Aug 2004

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