
Clueless Network Admin Strikes Again

Yet again it's a miserable, wet, grey Saturday afternoon. On the plus side I've got the house to myself for most of the day and so I'm getting round to the network admin I've been putting off for so long.

Being a clueless administrator I always put changes to my network setup aside until I really need to do it. It's a fragile setup and one simple mistake could bring the whole thing crashing down. It's a case of making a list of changes, dusting off my un*x skills and getting stuck in.

This morning I configured my Linux development server to run on multiple IP addresses. Domino now listens on domino.epsilon.com ( and Apache/PHP listens on php.epsilon.com ( Both on port 80. It was really simple to do. More on that later, maybe.

This afternoon I need to make major changes to my DNS/File/Print/Domain server. Everything was fine until recently, when connecting to shared drives from my XP box started crashing and rebooting the server box. I have no idea why and I'm resorting to upgrading my SME Server to version 6. Recently I've been adding quite a few DNS names to the server (more on that later) and if I don't fix it soon I will lose all my DNS changes next time it crashes.

If all goes well and I have time left I want to upgrade to the newly-released PHP 5. Now there's an upgrade you can actually get excited about! Not only a new set of useful features but a completely re-written engine underneath it all.

Then I might have a play with Mambo Server, which I installed this morning, following a recommendation from Jim of Double6. It's a CMS that runs on PHP/MySQL. Install went ok and it looks cool so far. More on that later, maybe.


    • avatar
    • Ben
    • Sat 17 Jul 2004 13:14

    Hey matey

    Yeah, yet another damn rainy saturday. I want summer dammit!

    As it was raining spent all afternoon sanding my bathroom floor - there was a manky carpet there - we took it up and there were lovely (though a bit blackened) floorboards underneath. One trip to B&Q later we attacked it with a shiny new belt sander. Just finished now. Just got to....

    1) Fill in the gaps between floorboards.

    2) Wipe it down with white spirit

    3) varnish the floor

    4) And again

    5) And again


    And guess what? The bloody suns come out and it's a lovely evening but can't go anywhere as have the floor to do. Bah humbug.

    Hot and sweaty and can't have a shower til tomorrow. Bah more humbugs.

    Not sure why I'm sharing this - I've crept off for a crafty fag. Anyway, better busy than board :-)

    • avatar
    • Ben
    • Sat 17 Jul 2004 13:14

    Board? Bored I meant. Must have sawdust on the brain.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Sun 18 Jul 2004 14:30

    Let's hope we have more bad weather; look at all the parque flooring I need to lay: {Link} Oh, the joy...

    • avatar
    • Ben
    • Sun 18 Jul 2004 16:46

    Hmm, DIY gets better and better. Was just about to varning on sunday when realised the filler between the floorboards had leaked out over the boards. We had to starting sanding all over again. Just put down the last coat of varnish now. *huuuge sigh*. Floor looks great though :-)

    Good luck with all that parque (cracking bargain though). I can't begin to imagine how smooth the floor'd have to be before you can put that down. Good luck mate. Pray for sunshine eh?

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Sun 18 Jul 2004 16:53

    >> how smooth the floor'd have to be

    It has to be laid on a layer of bitumen. It's a no-going-back kind of thing.

  1. And I thought I was the only one interested in Mambo! Although I have done two or three simple sites in Mambo so far I still feel a bit clueless. But it is fairly easy to install and get into. The access rights seem too naive next to Domino - perhaps that will improve in 46. It seems you can give a user "author" access to only work with their own stuff, but I am not sure how well that works yet. I'll look forward to more Mambo thoughts from you.


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Written by Jake Howlett on Sat 17 Jul 2004

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