
July's Article Published

Despite spending most of the night as the only man in a house full of 14 women, I managed to finish off the latest article - Domino Rich Text In The Browser. Enjoy!

Thanks to Jerry Carter for proof-reading it. I have no idea how that many errrors made there way in, after I gave it a thorough proof-read myself.

Before you get too excited, here are a few more issues with HTMLArea that you should know about:

  1. In an attempt to be the all-singing all-dancing solution, version 3 of HTMLArea does too many thing well enough, instead of doing less things really well. One thing it does is re-write the HTML code to fit how it thinks it should be written. For most cases you would rarely see these changes. If you're like me and want to take charge of the code you may be in for a surprise. Most of what it does it for the best, but some of it is plain annoying if you happen to know that the code you wrote is OK.
  2. When editing in IE (not tried in Firebird) the browser can start to hog a lot of system memory. Not sure why this is but I put it down to the "undo" feature. It must take a snapshot each time you make a change. After a while of editing the memory usage can increase hugely and things can slow down.

There are issues, but still it's a nice tool and a great user-pleaser. Expect these same users to be the ones with the problems though! That said, HTMLArea version 3 is still in beta, so things like this should be resolved sooner or later. And if you really don't like it, you can dive in and change the code yourself...


    • avatar
    • Gaston
    • Tue 13 Jul 2004 02:05 AM


    there may be a relation between the 14 women and the errors in your article ;)

    I can't believe that : 14 women and you spent the night on your computer !!!! how incredible you are ;)

    Anyway, thanks for your article...

    And is it me or did you increase the number of your technical postings lately ? I guess when it comes to something that impress and makes you happy (like HTMLarea), it is easier to write.

    have a nice day,


    • avatar
    • digger
    • Tue 13 Jul 2004 08:41 AM


    I guess you didn't know that: "The world is controlled by a computer and seven women. One has blond hair, one has black hair, one has blue hair, one has no hair. Is that seven?" (the great Sean Penn as Eddie in She's So Lovely)



    • avatar
    • Michael
    • Tue 13 Jul 2004 09:34 AM


    Off topic, but I just noticed that the number of comments in the main blog screen is the # of comments + 1. Are you including the blog text for the count?



    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 13 Jul 2004 09:44 AM

    I noticed this too Michael. Had a quick look this morning and can't work out why. Must be a corrupt index or something. Too busy to investigate at the moment...

  1. hello jake i'm using a look a like editor see the url below


    it only works in ie but the image and attachment options are great and it is only one subform

    a like your html editor too

    some great new functions but i''m missing the image upload

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 13 Jul 2004

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