
Summer Blues

Sorry I missed you yesterday. I was out walking round Newcastle all day, with my camera, making the most of the sunshine. Managed to get myself sunburnt while I was at it. Can you believe it? In England! I've got this thing about refusing to admit there's a need to wear sun protection in the UK. It'll be the death of me. Literally, if Karen's to be believed.

Anyway, there's not a whole lot going on at casa codestore at the moment. For now I want to concentrate on making the most of the summer as the realities of running a business dawn and I contemplate a return to office-based employment.

Yesterday I made a slight change to the site's CSS. You might have noticed that searching for something with a lot of hits caused problems with the navigation links, as below, where the links extend to the left underneath the logo:

codestore screenshot

It's been on my to-do list for ages. Only on Monday another mailed arrived to warn me about it and I decided to look in to it. I can't believe what a trivial mistake it was. I had used CSS "float:right" for the links rather than simply "text-align:right". No idea why!

A word of warning: Unless you really know what you are doing, the float property is best avoided at all times. It's behaviour remains a mystery to me. You too? This might help.


    • avatar
    • Spring
    • Wed 19 May 2004 07:56

    It's not summer yet, not until June 21.. This is Spring.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 19 May 2004 08:08

    If I get burnt, it's summer!

    • avatar
    • Aden
    • Wed 19 May 2004 09:58

    I like traffic lights but only when there green.

  1. I prefer to err on the side of caution. When I work outside, I wear long sleeve, pants, boony hat and gloves... all on top of my SPF 40 sunscreen.

    float is actually pretty cool. The trick is to use it exclusively rather tha in the midst of other things as folks would suggest. Using float on blocks at a top level allows some liquidity to the page layout. Unless you have a lot of text, floating images can cause them to break out of the box their in... just some of my experiences.

    • avatar
    • Ian B
    • Wed 19 May 2004 11:34


    Talking of CSS, I notice a bit of a problem on your photo site


    the 'spot' for links is slightly off, you might see what I mean if you move the curser up the screen towards the link. If you move the curser down, it turns to a hand before reaching a link. I had this problem and eventually tracked it to a filter: property - are you using it? It also manifests itself as an inability to highlight a single word, rather than a block of text. And boy, am I jealous of your photos. It's a talent you got there.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 19 May 2004 12:19

    Thanks Ian. Another one I've known about for a while now. It's bugged me, but not enough to do anything about it. That's why I need you lot to bug me in to action ;o)

    Glad you like the photos. I'm off to try and fix it...

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 19 May 2004 12:35

    Fixed. Yet again, a trivial and stupid error on my part. I'll discuss it tomorrow in a blog entry. Another lesson in appreciating the finer points of CSS.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Wed 19 May 2004

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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