
Out of Office Autoreply

Just got back from a rainy weekend in the Lake District. If you're planning on going there, take my advice and don't do it in April!

Today I am off to Whitby for the best part of the week. Don't expect any activity round here until at least this time next week...


  1. I spent a fortnight in the Lakes District a good while ago. It was September I believe. It rained non-stop for the virtually the whole fortnight; the exception being the middle weekend when I got sick of the rain and went to Scotland. It was cold and overcast there but not raining. When I got back to Windemere I found that apparently the weekend in the Lakes was spectacularly fine & sunny, however it was raining when I returned. They have a saying in the Lakes: "If you can't see the fells then its raining. If you can see the fells then it's going to rain." Absolutely beautiful none the less.

    • avatar
    • david
    • Fri 4 Jun 2004 06:40

    I'm surprised you got back from the Lakes if you clicked on that link - it's one of those irritating sityes where 'back' doesn't work.

    My grandparents lived there so I've experienced the good and bad weather. The only reasonably reliable fine weather is in the early autumn.

    • avatar
    • Neil
    • Fri 4 Jun 2004 16:06

    You should try it at the beginning of March!! , I was on a training course near Windermere.

    It was a team building thing, we were outdoors a lot of the time

    Very bracing !

  2. The first time we rode the "High Street" mountain bike route there, it had rained non-stop for about a week before. After spending 3 hours on a section that should have taken one, I suggested we turn around and knock it on the head. "No, it'll be dry once we get beyond <some point>" the map man would repeat.

    9 hours later and after several offs where the front wheel descended into a 3 foot deep "Puddle" we got back in pitch darkness. It felt and looked like we had crawled a marathon through mud!

    I asked at the end what grading the route had. "Well, it says here 'Extreme' but I thought it looked more like 'intermediate'" the map man said.

    That's his gravestone up on the hill.


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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 5 Apr 2004

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