
I don't do politics me

Now that's refreshing! For the first time in as long as I can remember I've launched my mail client this morning and had no spam to delete. April Fool? Not at all! Just a simple change of email address; that 's all that's needed. Bravo.

Yesterday I mentioned that I am using Smarty (more detailed discussion later). Dave Meehan is also using Smarty and has created a new site, called Virtual Politics [link updated!], which looks quite promising. Not normally one for politics I found myself registering and going straight in at the deep-end with my own policy proposing the slaughter of animals. My tongue was slightly in my cheek. Honest.

Virtual Politics is a real time system that allows you to explore the world of politics in a way that is fun and competitive, but with a serious edge.

Anyway, Dave would love feedback on what is so far a concept site. The idea is to build your own perfect world where only your rules apply. I think...

Interesting to see what one-time Domino developers can do when they think outside the box ;o)


  1. Thanks for the plug! And thanks to those who've already come and joined in - this could get really interesting!

    For those interested in visiting, take a look at the help page as that explains the concept reasonably well. It's basic at the moment, although I'm quite pleased as it was my first PHP/MySQL project, and done in my spare time whilst on holiday a couple of weeks ago!

    There are heaps of ideas for how to expand it - feel free to create policies in the Virtual Politics category of the directory if you have any ideas!

  2. I've given up protecting myself from spam. I just now accept it, although as a domain name owner I use the yourname@mydomainname method of registration on sites so I know who's shared my address and which addresses to block. That's the advantage of being a domain name owner. The disadvantage is that spammers just tend to guess addresses at @mydomainname and spam them, such as info, sales, webmaster, etc.

    As for politics, politics is for everyone. It kind of has to be!

  3. Thanks for pointing Virtual Politics out, it may be simple to get involved, but when the guy sitting to your right is .4 points ahead in the overall ratings it sure does get competitive.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Thu 1 Apr 2004

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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