
Online Photo Management

Sorry about the silence. Got a little distracted there. Between trying to make a living I've been trying to sort out my, increasingly huge, collection of photos. There's all sorts, all over the place. Some online. Some on my hard-drive. Some on the iBook. Some on my server's share. Some on a .Mac account. Some on a Typepad account. Some on my own web-space. Finally, I think I've got to a point where I am happy with the way they are all arranged and managed.

jakehowlett.com/gallery/ - This is where I put my "arty" shots. Experimental to say the least. They've lived here for a while, but photoblogs don't look right in the standard blog format.

jakehowlett.com/photos/ - This is where general photo albums will be stored - photos taken on holidays and weekends away and what-not. For this I will be using Coppermine. Mainly because I like the way you can easily create an album by FTPing lots of photos to the server and simply pointing coppermine to the folder. There are still some albums in plain HTML that I need to move over.

jake.typepad.com/photos/ - This is where photos taken on bike rides and geocaching jaunts will live. Until now I've used it for storing a mix of photos. Those unrelated to biking will be moved to jakehowlett.com/photos/. Typepad has nice photo albums but uploading the images requires patience and is prone to faliure at the 11th hour.

To help me manage photos away from the web I am looking for a nice image management app. For the past week I've been trialling ACDSee 6. It's nice, but does anybody know of anything better?


    • avatar
    • Val
    • Thu 2 Dec 2004 05:25

    Hi Jake,

    I use Thumbsplus 5 (shareware)

    it is cheap and easy to use.


  1. I use FotoFusion from Lumapix for three reasons.

    1. I don't feel compelled to have everything in a database.

    2. My family and friends really like the collage format.

    3. It produces high quality images for printing on my Canon i860.


    • avatar
    • Jorge
    • Thu 2 Dec 2004 07:48

    I've been using Microsoft Digital Image 9 Suite, which also lets you take a collection of images, add music and create a DVD video. The library feature is nice and easy to use as well. This may be more than you're looking for.


  2. Jake, if you are serious about categorizing and storing your photos, check out iMatch from photools.com.

    iMatch is a pro-sumer image database that is the best I've ever touched. It's a one man company, but the support is also top notch. Check out the demo, you will NOT be disappointed.


    Take Care,


  3. I happily use Jasc Paint Shop Photo Album ({Link} It came in a free trail with my Paint Shop Pro purchase and I eventually ordered the full version. I like the ease of organizing and you can easily make web galleries and photo CD's with it.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 2 Dec 2004 14:21

    Thanks guys. I'm looking at them all now...

  4. Hi Jake!

    I´m running Gallery ({Link} at my website. After a huge search and lots of tentatives, this is the best photo gallery software that I´ve found. And it is also FREE!!!

    Take a look at my web site and spend a little time to read about the sw.

    See u



    • avatar
    • Valdecir
    • Thu 2 Dec 2004 14:43

    Ups... my website


  5. Is that a trick question? iPhoto 4. :-)

    • avatar
    • Phil
    • Thu 2 Dec 2004 18:12

    I've started to use Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 Starter Edition. I was on the Adobe site the other day to d/l the PDF reader when I saw their little advertisement for a free photo manager. I gave it a try, and so far, it seems to do exactly what I want - make it easy for me to sort and find my photos. It also lets you do simple image manipulation like red-eye reduction and cropping to stanadard photo sizes.

    The best part about the whole thing is that it's FREE! Even so, I'm thinking about buying the full version as I'm quite impressed so far and would like the extra features.


  6. I second Gallery.


    See my website for my photos/album software.

    Cheers, Chris.

  7. For replacing ACDSee as a quick image browser, you can't go wrong with SlowView, as it's free.


  8. Jake

    I know its probably not what you want to hear but I really do like your layour of the HTML pages of Sri lanka.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Fri 13 Feb 2004 03:28

    Thanks again guys. Got plenty to choose from now.

    Valdecir - I looked at Gallery but it required that I install ImageMagick and stuff on the server. I don't know if I can and want to avoid steps like this.

    Volker - iPhoto might have done the trick if Cromarty didn't die on me! He really is dead now!! And the day after I registered the BetterHTMLExport tool !!! {Link}

    David - See above. This iPhoto plugin is what I used for exporting the Sri Lanka photos. I agree. Nice layout.

  9. Hi Jake.

    Perhaps the ImageMagick and all this stuff are already installed in your server.

    I used to use JAlbum ({Link} to make my albums before I stated to use Gallery.

    Good luck.


    São Paulo - Brasil

    • avatar
    • Keith
    • Mon 16 Feb 2004 08:54


    Gallery can also use NetPBM which on one of my friend's hosting company, that was already installed on the server.


  10. I'm also currently looking at "options" for gallery software. Currently I'm using Gallery. Personally I'm underwhelmed with Gallery's options and looking into "future development" does little to make excited about the software's future.

    I had planned on trying Coppermine this evening as an alternative to Gallery.

    • avatar
    • Amy
    • Fri 20 Feb 2004 11:52

    Try iView Media Pro.

    • avatar
    • Arjan
    • Tue 12 Apr 2005 05:19

    I really need a good Domino Photo Gallery database, but I Think the Open notes picture DB of OpenNTF is too complex. Any suggestions?

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Written by Jake Howlett on Thu 12 Feb 2004

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