
Recent Photo of Me

It seems the done-thing is to publish a recent photo of yourself before heading off for LotuSphere. Here's one of me from this weekend.

Photo of Me and Madeline

Friends of ours have just had a baby, which Karen insisted I had a go at holding. I wonder why...

So, if you want to track me down, you're looking for a six-foot skin-head wearing a PeerWire t-shirt. Maybe even a pair of faded jeans with "designer" holes in, because he still believes they're trendy. See you there.


    • avatar
    • Jerry Carter
    • Mon 19 Jan 2004 07:02

    Wait a sec... are you meaning to imply holey jeans are NOT trendy?!?

    • avatar
    • MattC
    • Mon 19 Jan 2004 08:03


    You look like a natural father holding that baby. Does Karen want more kids??


    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Mon 19 Jan 2004 08:16

    That's what they said - "You're a natural!". More kids? I think so, one day ;o)

    I had the pleasure of seeing a nappy change while I was there. You've got some treats ahead Matt. We left as she started to wake up and scream.

  1. What pretty dad !

    Start to learn some lullabies({Link}

    who knows... ;-)


  2. Jake, just for you I'll bring down my oldest jeans with the biggest holes. Lend me a Peerwire shirt, and I'll tell people I'm you.


    - Julian

    • avatar
    • Giles
    • Wed 21 Jan 2004 08:08

    Hey Jake you look like you've lost a ton of weight recently?

    PS Single shmingle try twins :@

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 21 Jan 2004 09:24

    Thanks Giles. Not quite a ton - more like 5kgs. It's been hard work though! {Link}

    Good luck with your twins...

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 19 Jan 2004

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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