
Fonts and stuff

Yesterday I found a font I liked, using the WhatTheFont search. It evens makes a nice looking codestore logo, although I don't really ever want to change that:

CodeStore logo

Also yesterday I had my meeting with the friendly man at Business Link, who put my mind at rest about a few things that had been bothering me. He also told me about ANewBusiness.co.uk, which I used to register the company, in the name I eventually decided upon. All I have to do now is sit back and wait. Oh, and make the website and get some customers and do some work...

Before I go, I have a few more images to clear out of the blogit folder. First a proof-of-concept. You can run both version of Notes at the same time. I guess most of you knew this and know how. If any of you don't I can devote a blog entry to the ins and outs next week.


Here's another idea I had for improving the Designer client. Boy, have I got ideas! This one would save loads of time. The only other way to do this is to launch the Admin client. And we all know how long that takes...


On Monday I return to talking about normal "interesting" things, as my blogit folder is now back to a reasonable size. Thanks for listening and have good weekends!


    • avatar
    • Jono
    • Fri 31 Oct 2003 05:22

    You gonna put us out of our misery then and tell us what company name you chose in the end?

    Glad you're getting stuff sorted - hope everything goes as planned.

    Have a good weekend,


  1. Signing all design elements menu option would make our jobs way too easy and we would lose valuable surfing time whilst not having to wait for the admin client and the directory information to load.

    • avatar
    • Stefano Benassi
    • Sat 11 Jan 2003 08:06

    I'm sorry but I don't know how i could run both version of Notes at the same time and I'm very interested in that!

    So, I could also run Notes 6 and Domino Designer 5 at the same time!

    Thank you in advance.


    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Sat 11 Jan 2003 09:38

    Before I get round to writing a blog about it. Here's my lazy version for Stefano. The answer from notes.net - {Link}

    Hope that helps.

  2. Here are some instructions for making a toolbar icon that will sign all database elements. {Link}

  3. Two Notes clients at once? That's nothing! While developing Kubi, I've been known to run a Domino 5 server, two R5 clients, and an ND6 client, all on my laptop. It's not zippy, but it works!

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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 31 Oct 2003

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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