
Your Task For The Weekend

Due to demand I've consolidated all six PHP article in to one. You can download this zip file which contains all the code so far as well as the article in Word format and one in PDF that I created using Adobe's online conversion tool. The documents aren't perfect and some text will not doubt appear out of context in this medium but this is what you asked for.

Assuming you're at work as you read this, why not print out the whole thing at your company's expense? I don't want to promote the unnecessary waste of paper but, if it were me, I would send the first page of an important looking document and all pages from my document to your nearest printer. Go and stand next to the printer and pretend to read the important looking page while you wait for all the others to feed through. Put it all in your bag, take it home and read it this weekend. On Monday I expect you all to have got the sample website up and running. I don't care if you don't have a spare machine. Get some cheap hosting!

Talking of web hosts, I committed a major webmaster no-no yesterday. In the morning I announced a new haven for Domino Developers to talk about PHP. In the evening I switched web hosts! To most of you this will have been transparent. But, as I'm sure most of you know, a change in IP address can take up to 24 hours to make its way round the world of DNS. So, if you open the above link and get a message about the board being closed, your DNS is out of sync and you need to wait a while. Sorry.

When I say I changed host I am fibbing a little. I just changed hosting plans and hence moved to a new server. When I logged in to Easily.co.uk's admin area yesterday I noticed I could upgrade my boring Standard Virtual Hosting to the much sexier sounding Super Virtual Hosting. I fell for it.

I now have a lower machine contention ratio, twice as much RAM, an extra MySQL database, Sun Chillisoft ASP and Java Servlets 2.2. As well as five times as much storage space. Nice! Can't help wanting my own dedicated server though...


    • avatar
    • Jono
    • Fri 17 Oct 2003 05:12

    thanks for all your time on the PHP stuff Jake, I haven't got through part 5 and 6 yet, been a bit busy over the last couple of days but hopefully will have done by Monday.

    p.s one more plug for easily.co.uk and you'll no doubt have your own dedicated server ;)

    • avatar
    • Erwin
    • Fri 17 Oct 2003 13:41

    It depends on how much you are willing to pay. I rent one (full control! and 500Gb) at www.hostcentric.com for 79 USD a month...

    • avatar
    • Brett
    • Sun 19 Oct 2003 18:00

    Hi Jake,

    Will there be a logging tutorial for php? i.e to record hits on pages etc?

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Mon 20 Oct 2003 02:25

    Probably not Brett. Most servers do a good job of this on their own. If you really want to, it's not hard.

    $query="INSERT INTO hits VALUES null, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], etc etc.


  1. Jake,

    Easily's ASP offering through Chillisoft has quite a few bits of ASP functionality missing as they don't have the spice pack installed. Although I guess thats not an issue if you're using PHP.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 17 Oct 2003

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