
Google Reunites Brothers

Earlier this week I got an email from my brother, Tim, owner of the clearest "under construction" page ever. Nothing strange in that. Only that he addressed it to this site whereas normally he would use my "personal" address. The reason being that he had been searching Google and found codestore by some strange coincidence. In his own words:

Found a Codestore page the other day quite by chance on Google...
I was searching for "less is more" possesions note the wrong spelling of possessions, and it came up with one of your blogs pages with a picture of all your stuff in the back of a van. I did the search again with the correct spelling and your page wasn't then one of the results. What are the chances of that. Eh!

As I said in the reply - the web is the biggest small place in the world. Anyway to the (kind of) point. I have no idea why Tim was searching for "less is more". But I can guess it's because he has a bit of a minimalist streak in him (we're altogether a pretty strange family ;o). I'm reminded of this today as my new office now looks like this (click to enlarge):

What a load of crap!

What am I doing? Believe it or not I am tidying up and having a bit of a sort out. I've no idea where all this crap came from. There are things in there I don't even recognise and cables that I have no idea of the use for.

See the box? I've restricted myself to this as the storage for all the crap now on the desk. If it can't get in there it's out. Well, I'll actually be sending it to Tim first to see if he can't find a use for it at the radio station he's an engineer for...


  1. While you just talk about your family beeing strange, your brother is providing hard facts.

    Just noticed that there acutaly IS a link on his site ...

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Fri 23 May 2003 09:56

    Good god, you're right. I missed that! Tut, tut, he's a married man!!

    Disclaimer: You follow the link at your own discretion...

    • avatar
    • Ian O'Rourke
    • Fri 23 May 2003 10:15

    You've placed goods on top of your iBook. I still stroke mine and treat it with care.

    That will change. One day I will put boxes and stuff on top of mine.

    Good news on the R6 server by the way, good to get something back as it where.

    • avatar
    • Joe Canadian
    • Fri 23 May 2003 13:40

    I'll take the iBook if it won't fit in the box! :)

    • avatar
    • Jaap
    • Fri 23 May 2003 16:07

    Jake , I expect to see all the names of the machines appearing again on your desk and at least a webcam live !

    Do I spot an empty beer glass in the middle? cheers

    • avatar
    • Holmes
    • Sun 25 May 2003 03:00

    Coaxial Ethernet? Perhaps you'll reconsider.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Sun 25 May 2003 06:47

    Holmes, my dear chap, I've not used that contraption since last millenium...

    • avatar
    • GordonABZ
    • Mon 26 May 2003 06:26

    Cool Desk Jake!

    Where did ya get it from?

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Mon 26 May 2003 06:30

    Give you one guess Gordon. Ikea!

    No matter what people say they actually do some really good stuff. This desk is from the range called Galant. You start with the corner piece and you can extend it in any direction you like. There's actually a piece missing from the picture that I've since added. All this for about £160 (less than $US 300)!!

  2. Forgot to mention Jake, I've been hard at work searching out a human sized shoe-horn for your personal use in your new digs. So far no luck. I have managed to get a lead on a 30 gallon tub of cooking lard, however....

    Honestly, I imagined a life of glory working from home. Your office rivals nearly the size of my cubical at corporate client x. I guess there is the 3 meter commute from bed to desk to take into consideration... far shade better than the 50 km I enjoy daily... each way... enjoy the new home base!

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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 23 May 2003

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