
CodeStore Move To Its Own Domino 6 Server

ProminicHow long has Domino 6 been Gold now? Over half a year, at a guess. Well, finally codestore is running on Domino 6. Not only that but it's now running on its very own server. The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed this yesterday when the infamous A55692 directory seemed to disappear.

How have I managed this? Through the generosity of Domino hosting company, Prominic.net. During the three years I've been with them I've done my bit and sent quite a few customers their way (I get asked all the time about who hosts the site and if I recommend them). It's been a kind of unspoken partnership. Now they are repaying me with free hosting on my own server. Something I'm very grateful for. Well, I say free, actually the arrangement is more that I am on hand as a consultant to them. Should be fun. And it's not like I'm not there to give advice anyway.

So, what better way for me to learn the ins and outs of the latest Domino release than to be hosting my website on its own server. My thanks to Jon, Justin and team at Prominic.net.


    • avatar
    • David
    • Wed 21 May 2003 07:17

    Notice how the alignment of the image and text suggests that "Prominic to disappear"?

    I used DDN myself but I will see if Prominic are any cheaper.

    • avatar
    • David
    • Wed 21 May 2003 07:28

    I did check but if you want users/customers to be able to register and to use customer groups in ACLs, DDN is a better deal in my opinion, certainly for small scale operations. Of course, those with their own server will not be so restricted.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 21 May 2003 08:55

    It could be Prominic disappearing or more likely it could Prominic "comin' at ya!".

    I don't want to compare them with DDN as I have no direct experience with their service.

  1. Sweet deal, Jake. Good going. All your good deeds have paid off nicely. I am officially enviouse. :-)


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Written by Jake Howlett on Wed 21 May 2003

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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