
Return From Northern Gems Tour

Yet again no blogs for almost a week. Excuse this time: I've been on the "Northern Gems" tour. Manchester? Leeds? Newcastle? No. Mansfield, Whitby and Goathland. Basically 6 men getting very drunk for four days. I know I need to pay more attention to this site and get some articles written but I just feel like a little R&R after a year in contract. I also need to move house and get settled so it's going to be a while longer I'm afraid Mr Hernandez ;o)

L to R: Paul, Floss, Martin, Dom, Justin and I

The guy second from left might be familiar to anybody who watches Fifth Gear. The perk of being a motoring journalist includes the free use of brand new cars. This week we've been travelling in the luxury of the new Volswagen Touareg. There's only one in the country, as featured on this week's episode. It's a huge powerhouse of an SUV with a 4 litre V10 that's apparently the most powerful diesel engine in the world (+300BHP). Handy for getting us fat lads round the North Yorkshire moors.

Satellite NavigationAnyway the reason I mention this is that it came with a satellite navigation system. I've never seen one before and have always been sceptical of how well they actually work. Having used Mapblast's suggested route feature only added to this. Anyway, they do work. Yesterday we went to Scarborough to drop off some stuff for Justin (second from right). None of us had a clue where Vine St was so we thought we'd give it a shot. After getting our heads round the interface a nice lady started telling us exactly how to get there. "Take the next left in 100 yards". It takes a lot for anything technological to impress me but I was amazed.

Hell, I should be doing Adrian's job. If only I could talk to video cameras...


  1. Hey Jake,

    Nothing to be afraid of.

    I just wanted to remark that we all enjoy your articles and that we miss them.




    • avatar
    • ben
    • Mon 14 Apr 2003 05:14

    Hello jake,

    you are the greatest...we are not worthy!!!

    keep up the good work...you are indeed the father of notes "Blog"

  2. Admit it Jake - you found these drunken northeners at a bus stop - you chucked your camera at your missus and asked her to take a piccy!!!

    Looks like your having a good time - dont we need that when we finish our contracts!!



  3. I must admit, the scariest thing about the Sat Nav systems is not so much that it can tell you the route and keep you on track but the fact if you go the wrong way it re-evaluates the route and tells you the knew one.

    Maybe just me, but I found that fascinating.

    • avatar
    • David
    • Tue 15 Apr 2003 07:01

    "The most powerful diesel engine in the world" ?????

    I think you got a little carried away there!

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 15 Apr 2003 08:44

    Probably should have added "in a road-going production vehicle"

    • avatar
    • David
    • Tue 15 Apr 2003 10:57

    I think you'll find lorries fit into that category too.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 15 Apr 2003 11:54

    Okay, okay. Road-going production non-lorry. It was the words of Fifth Gear man, not mine... ;o)

    • avatar
    • Patrick Lambourne
    • Wed 16 Apr 2003 01:25

    With satelite navigation Cabbies in London are not going to be able justify doing 'The Knowledge' which keeps price of taxis rides so high - anyone will be able to find their way around London

  4. Anyone with $35k + to spend on a vehicle equipped with such that is...


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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 11 Apr 2003

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