Searching From Mozilla
Remember last November when I started going on about Phoenix and its superb search plugins? All I had to offer back then was a version. Now I've knocked up two more. One to let you quickly search the 4/5 Forum and one to let you search the excellent site. Hope you find them as useful as I do! The trick is to get yourself in the habit of actually using this feature. Once you do, it's hard to imagine how you lived without it.
Install both (Mozilla variant browsers only).
If you have problems with the above install link. You can download the files here. All you have to do is extract them to the "searchplugins" folder in your Phoenix install's root folder.
If you take a look at the .src files in a text editor you'll see there's not really that much to it. Nothing's stopping you quickly creating them for your own favourite sites.
A couple of asides before I leave you for the weekend:
Following a chat with Mike on a lunchtime stroll this week I've come to a compromise with the whole IP blocking business. Not wanting to punish the innocent I've taken Mike's advice and now posts from suspicious addresses are flagged for approval rather than not saved at all. Hence, if I inadvertently block a whole team of developers, I can still let the good guys through.
Also on my mind is the fact that it's almost been two months since my last article. This doesn't mean I've run dry or that I've lost interest. Trust me. I am just waiting to finish this contract next week and then get my life in order. Once I've settled I'll have all the time in the world to knock some content out. If you have ideas or suggestion for what you want me to write about, let me know... until then you'll have to put up with my blogging. As Tom says in his links page, CodeStore is a "Notes/Domino-centric blog that strays interestingly". Nicely put.
I'm not sure why it surprised me, but your search plugins work great in Netscape 7.0 as well.
- Rob
Should work in all the variants of the Mozilla engine. Apart from the Mac clients (I think).