
Font Used on CodeStore

Anybody who's ever run a website or had chance to look behind the scenes of one will know what strange search phrases are often used to arrive at a site. For example people have arrived here after searching for "What are Bill Wyman's parent's names?" and "Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz". As well as the amusing there are those that can teach you a thing or two about what people are looking for and effectively what is missing from your site. Two queries I've had in the last week, both on this site and my other site, were from people wondering what font I use for the logos. Good question, and one I've never thought to answer.

CodeStore uses a font called World of Water by Ray Larabie and JakeHowlett.com uses a font called 04b-25 by 04. They are both free.


  1. Jake, when youfirst set up JakeHowlett.com, you originally had a sort of '74 world cup shirts number type font. Where did you get that one?

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 18 Mar 2003 08:27

    Did I? Trying to rack my brains at the moment. I think I know what you mean but need more of a reminder. What colours and layout did it have??

  2. Jake, I remember asking you for the font you use on codestore. Glad i know now, thanks!

    How's the idiot list ;)

    • avatar
    • quentin
    • Tue 18 Mar 2003 13:59

    simple question -- is it generally the case that one would use these cool fonts to create logos, etc., then convert them to a graphics format and put them on the page.

    are embedded fonts still real tricky to get to work cross-platform?


    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 18 Mar 2003 14:10

    Yes Quentin. Forget embedding fonts. Far too much hassle.

  3. Jake, I'm impressed! Do you check your websites log files line by line? And tell me, do you do that very often?

    That's something you should tell your analyst before it's too late!! :)

    Anyway, if you wonder who is the geek that searched Google for the font used for your site's logo, don't look any further. It was actually me!!

    I need to create some labels and I like that squared, old-style font that you used to write your name @ jakehowlett.com. Damn, I'm sick of all the nice, rounded, clear type fonts!!

    Thanks for the tip mate!

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 18 Mar 2003 15:16

    Gabriele. The hosts of this site offer logfile analysis with charts and things so it's not a case of digging through text files or anything like that.

    Saying that, I don't do it very often. Maybe once every couple of weeks just to see what's going on....

    Glad I could help!

    • avatar
    • Jamie
    • Wed 19 Mar 2003 03:10

    Someone once found me with the search term "Latoya does bubbles". Something I'm not too proud of!

  4. Sorry Jake, the only thing I can remember is the font and I thought to myself, if I ever do a web site on the 1974 World Cup finals, that would be a really useful font to have.

    Can't remember colour or style of the original site. I'm going surfing for it, so if I find it or something similar I'll send you a link, just in case it triggers the very memory cell we need!

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 18 Mar 2003

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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