
Back From Sri Lanka

Me in Sri LankaI am back, finally, in one piece and with a serious case of the post-holiday blues. The last two weeks have been the best holiday I have ever had. The first week was spent in the luxury of a villa on the beach complete with staff and a great mix of people. The climax was joining with friends, old and new, at Justin's wedding by the beach. For the second week seven of us went off in a bus to do the back-packing thing and to see the Cultural Triangle. There are far too many stories to share here but a couple of highlights were two nights in the craziest hotel in the world and making it to the top of the most amazing thing I have ever seen. There are plenty of photos that I have promised all those who went I will put on the internet. I'll let you know when I do. There are some funny ones of the state of my face after I passed out on the beach one night and some of me in a river washing an elephant.

It's funny to come back and read Mike's conversation with a friend. For the past two weeks I've had quite a few similar conversations. The only thing I can add (now that I've learnt all about Buddhism) is that it's all about karma. Give and you will receive.

In reading certain comments added to said conversation I am reminded that this site needs to change. I am painfully aware of how off-topic and irrelevant my musings are becoming. Don't worry it will all change. With an up-coming break from employment I plan to learn and share more than I have been doing recently. Not sure what to focus on so far but I definitely need to get going with R6 and get re-certified. Stay with me guys. I share anything interesting I find, it's just that I've not really found much for a while.


    • avatar
    • ursus
    • Mon 3 Mar 2003 08:37

    Hi Jake,

    let me be the first one to welcome you back ;o)

    The links that you put up really make we want to go back to Asia - really love the place ;o)

    Anyway, hope you have luck trying to get new employment.



    • avatar
    • T Lee
    • Mon 3 Mar 2003 09:08

    Thanks for the link to Sigiriya. I think when I am on my death bed, the regret I will have is not that I didn't learn Websphere, .NET, etc. It'll be that I didn't travel more.

    BTW I don't mind the musings....

    • avatar
    • Ben Dubuc
    • Mon 3 Mar 2003 09:08

    Lucky for you you don't live in Quebec, Canada.

    Yesterday afternoon, it was 4 lovely degrees Celsius. This morning: -25 Celsius.

    THAT is quite a shock. I'm starting to think I should move to Switzerland or some other nice similar European country...

  1. Jake, just before you left I mentioned this article: {Link}

    Sandy tropical beach/blog some stuff about domino - I can see where your priorities lay, but maybe you want to start with something like this!

  2. I hope you had a great holiday jake - if you think your musings are off topic - then why do people come back to read?

    Do we expect to see an image of a budha as your site logo soon?!!

    "With an up-coming break from employment I plan to learn and share more than I have been doing recently." - I had 7 weeks between 'proper contracts' recently - didn't get to have a single day off - so dont count on having any time!!


    • avatar
    • east siderz
    • Thu 3 Apr 2003 02:29

    good to see you back :)

    • avatar
    • Tom Quinn
    • Thu 3 Apr 2003 04:41

    Jake - welcome back. I agree with Steve, if people do not like your off topic musings then why do they come back? Personally, I like to mix a bit of culture with the techie side of things, otherwise I would start to name all my computers after Star Trek characters and descend into geekdom.

  3. Jake,

    Welcome back. I personally don't think off-topic musings are a bad thing, but it's a pretty subjective question (YMMV).

    I enjoy your technical tips and articles because I always learn something from you (as an old, old-school Notes developer, sometimes I need a little nudge to think "outside the box" and tweak via DHTML or JavaScript to make Domino behave EXACTLY the way I want it to, while that seems to be your first inclination).

    But I enjoy a little vicarious living as well.

    PS Why the break from work? End of a contract, let go from the company, personal choice? Mere idle curiousity...

  4. Jake,

    Welcome back and good luck, I'm sure people will stick with you, I know I will. And your blogging template is great, I'm already using it at ferdychristant.com.

  5. Jake,

    Welcome back. Looks like you had a great time, and please keep up with the site, just the way it is (ok, so more tech stuff is ok too).

    • avatar
    • M
    • Thu 3 Apr 2003 15:36

    I don't mean to critisize (I enjoy reading the bloggish stuff), but isn't that what you setup www.jakehowlett.com for?

    Sure it might mean that this site doesn't get updated daily, just when you have technical stuff to talk about, but at least it would be "on topic" for those that just want the technical stuff. People that want to find out that you lost one of your socks can go to the other site :)

    • avatar
    • Chris
    • Thu 3 Apr 2003 18:16

    welcome back

  6. Hey - keep it lateral. Its far more fun.

    I've recertified with R6 Sysadmin and Appdev - the Certfx.com self-tests *really* helped.. Go for it!

    ---* Bill

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 3 Mar 2003

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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