
Going On Holiday Without a Job

Weather in Sri LankaHave I mentioned that I'm going to Sri Lanka today? Should be back blogging in early March unless I manage to find an internet café whilst I'm there.

Looking back over the last week or so I am fully aware that you can see a) The view from my window with two points of reference b) A photo of the all the IT gear in my room c) A photo of all the CDs sat next to my stereo. Added to this I now announce my departure for two weeks. D'oh! Please, don't rob me...

I'll leave you with the words to a Beatles song I've been listening to this week on the trains in order to keep some kind of sanity:

Sun, sun, sun. Here we come...

Later: This is either the best timing or the worst, I can't make my mind up, but 30 minutes before I left work today I was give my month's notice. Cost cutting. Again!


    • avatar
    • Jaap
    • Fri 14 Feb 2003 07:06

    Jake, have fun in the sun sun sun...

    expect some ipod photos surrounded by coconuts or ???

    regards jaap

    • avatar
    • Joe
    • Fri 14 Feb 2003 07:18

    I think the internet in Manchester has been stolen, so chances are, they havent seen your PC setup, therefore it will remain in situ.

    Have a good holiday!

    • avatar
    • Daniel Soares
    • Fri 14 Feb 2003 07:54

    Have a good vacation, mate! And stay away from those "Tamil Tigers" :)

    Will miss my daily fix at Codestore.

    • avatar
    • Peter North
    • Fri 14 Feb 2003 08:13

    Have a great vaca Jake, nothing like going somewhere warm when home is cold. Regarding music, I have been listening to DJ Krush lately, if you enjoy sasha, you would like krush.

  1. We miss you already ....

    - Rob

    • avatar
    • Ed Falcon
    • Fri 14 Feb 2003 08:43

    Enjoy the time Jake. Should we expect to see another fashion trend upon your return? Just no turn-ups this time. 8)

    • avatar
    • Darren Adams
    • Fri 14 Feb 2003 10:16

    This time last year I went to Barbados. This year the bank balance isn't so accomodating. I envy you. Hope the ratboys don't read your blog, otherwise all that kit will be knocked out cut-price in a pub car park.

    • avatar
    • Peter North
    • Fri 14 Feb 2003 10:53


    Please enlighten us on the other side of the pond:

    what are ratboys?

    what is a pub car park?

    • avatar
    • ferdy
    • Fri 14 Feb 2003 12:54


    Ratboys are thieves, a pub car park is the place where they offer the merchandise;a dark parking place behind a pub aka bar.

    • avatar
    • John Smart
    • Fri 14 Feb 2003 13:20


    Very bad to hear that you're unemployed again, Jake. Maybe you should open up a Lotus Notes consultancy in Sri Lanka.. and then bring me on for a short project! Last week the wind chill in Minneaplis, Minnesota, US was negative 34C. I could certainly use a few months in Sri Lanka myself.

    • avatar
    • d ritch
    • Fri 14 Feb 2003 18:03

    man, sorry to hear about your termination.

    Over here (USA), I've frequently seen consultants let go with no notice at all... One hopes that their hourly rates balanced out the risks of less-than-secure employment situations.

    • avatar
    • Joe
    • Sun 16 Feb 2003 18:59

    Jake, Sorry to see you're on your months notice, but with your skills I dont think it will be long before you're back in work....there aren't many Notes/Domino developers that can say Ed Brill frequently browses thier sites!

  2. Jake, sorry to hear about your months notice. It's the same in Holland as well. My employer went bankrupt three months ago. Afterwards we found out that they hadn't been paying my pension for over a year! This goes for all who lost their jobs. I hope your employer has been good to you and paid for everything they should pay according to your contract.

    Wish you all the luck in finding a new job.

    I hope this didn't spoil your vacation.

    • avatar
    • Jamie
    • Mon 17 Feb 2003 13:23

    Remember my offer Jake, there's always room for talented people here in Calgary (provided you enjoy skiing and the odd pint ;-) )

    Have a great trip

    • avatar
    • Stan Rogers
    • Mon 17 Feb 2003 14:42

    Jamie, the man's going halfway 'round the world to get away from a mere minus two celsiuses. Unless they've converted the Saddledome to "Residential", Calgary will probably kill the poor fellow.

  3. Jake,

    there's a internetshop in Kandy, in the centre of town near the lake...

    Have fun and don't skip Adam's peak!

  4. Jake,

    Maybe you need to consider coming to the other side of the pond.

  5. The other side of the "pond" is not doing that great either i.e. if you are referring to the USA. But that is not to say a person like Jake with great web development skills will be out for long.

    From my observation at least in NorthEast US, the rates and the salaries for even senior (and good) domino developers are not there anymore. Sometimes they are shamefully (considering the ones we saw in late 90's) low and it is frightening.

    May be I am not looking at the correct places.

    What are the "must" sites to visit these days for Notes job hunters?

    To start with a few (and obvious) I used in the past are: DICE, Monster, HotJobs, CareerBuilder .

    • avatar
    • Kurt Meyer
    • Mon 3 Mar 2003 10:59

    Yes, I was referring to the U.S. The IT career field is in a bit of a doldrum right now, but I bet there are still more jobs available here than in the U.K.

    I haven't been tracking salaries for Notes developers, but if what you say is true, a job paying less than what you're used to making is better than no job at all or better than flipping burgers.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 14 Feb 2003

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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