
Trying To Lose Weight

Finally I have managed to keep my word and finish off my latest article which I promised some time ago. Hope it keeps you all amused for a while as I am a busy bee for the next month or so and won't be writing any others. Although Stan Rogers has said he is working on a follow up to his article Pie Are Square - Charting with SVG within the next few weeks.

Not wanting to look like I don't follow up on things that I talk about, here's a quick update on this month:

On the 14th I mentioned that we had no gas in the flat. Well, without going in to too much detail, we're still having problems! The leak has gone and we're now stuck with a temperamental pilot-light. On the plus side we aren't paying rent for the couple of weeks where we had no heating. Which is nice.

I also mentioned that I had joined a gym and would keep you posted on my progress (if I can use that word). Well, I am still going and won't be quitting any time soon. In order to help us we've started a weekly weighing session where the results are kept on, what better place, the fridge. This Sunday I weighed in at 13 st 12 lbs (194 lbs or 88 kg) and my ideal weight is 12 st 7 lbs. Not far to go...

Weight loss chart

My typical twice-weekly workout involves:

  • 15 mins on elliptical step machine thing
  • Various weights
  • 1 km on rowing machine
  • 20 mins on bicycle
  • 20 mins on treadmill at 10km/hr

Up until the year I went to university I was always know as "The good runner" and never thought I'd get to the point where I was "unfit". In fact the year I turned eighteen I ran a half-marathon in 1 hour 27 minutes, finishing in the top 60 of 2,000+. Whether I manage to regain this level of fitness remains to be seen ;o)


    • avatar
    • Curtis
    • Wed 29 Jan 2003 09:35

    Jake, as a somewhat seasoned runner myself (having done 2 marathons in the last 6 months) I can say I'm quite impressed with your half-marathon time. Good to know there are other developer-runners out there. Much luck on keeping up with the training. I'll be training for a half-ironman starting a week from Saturday. Enjoying my 'freedom' until then.

    • avatar
    • Barry Livingstone
    • Wed 29 Jan 2003 18:33

    Ref pilot light: coincidentally I had a similar problem this week. Called good old BG service to fix it; most common fault is with a thermocouple which is kept hot by the pilot light - the signal from the hot t/c keeps the gas valve open; so pilot light out cuts off the gas and so does failed t/c. Good news is that the t/c's cost about 4 quid; bad news is BG charge 87 quid for the callout unless your landlord (or you) have a maintenance contract with them. Funniest bit was it took the BG guy nearly as long to generate/print the bill, etc on his portable as he took to do the actual repair!!!

    Oh well, that was a change from Domino :-)

    Best from sunny North Wales

    • avatar
    • DW
    • Thu 30 Jan 2003 04:46

    Can't help but wonder if this get-fit regime is related to the fact you've got a new bird on the go :-)

  1. I am pretty sure that this is a post-university phenonenon. You go through that phase of, "I was a super active athlete in high school," and then reality catches up to you later in your 20's.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Wed 29 Jan 2003

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