
Julian's GUI Suggestion

Yet more bad news. As if having no gas wasn't bad enough, my iPod is now an R.i.P.od. It passed away quietly in its sleep, yesterday afternoon. My 29th year hasn't really started all that well so far.

On a lighter note, I have another, slightly tongue-in-cheek, suggestion for the Lotus engineers, courtesy of Julian Robichaux. Click the image below for the full version:

Julian Robichaux's Notes Enhancement

Also, following suggestions made yesterday by Tom and Heini I am now known as Jake X (or Jake "Ten" in Apple parlance). I like it. Makes me sound like a comic-book superhero...

Update: Following two interruptions to my Tube journey I've been back to the shop and had the reason for my iPod's apparent death explained to me. Turns out that they are known to "crash" every now and then. When they do you have to use the mains-powered Firewire cable and, with this connected, press and hold the Menu and Pause buttons until you see the Apple logo. Should I feel stupid for not knowing this? Okay, so the Tips & Troubleshooting section of the manual does suggest this. However, I've always maintained that well designed products shouldn't need a manual. The iPod appears well designed so I chose to ignore its manual. You live and learn...

Also, we still have no gas!!


  1. I like the choice for the OpenNTF mail template? Where can I get a copy of it ;-)


    • avatar
    • prawnFresh
    • Wed 15 Jan 2003 09:51

    Was the iPod dropped? or did it malfunction? I ask because if I was to get one - i'd like an honest user review.

    • avatar
    • scott
    • Wed 15 Jan 2003 10:01

    I had brought up the question r.e. using any JDK that you would like to the lead guy at Iris during the DevCon last year. Answer was pretty much "no way".

    However, I agree that it would be cool for us that utilize the Domino server and not the Notes server aspect of the software. I really hate being bound to a particular version of the JDK to write Java agents. I mean, c'mon, going back to vectors instead of using collections is just crummy.

    <IMHO> I think that it's locked in because of being able to run applets in the Notes client. Can't see much java stuff that would be bound to server.

    • avatar
    • scott
    • Wed 15 Jan 2003 10:02

    I believe the person that I talked to last year was Jeff Callow (sp?). Not sure, as I spoke to a number of people. Maureen Leyland was one of the most insightful of the bunch. Really nice person to talk about Notes/Domino.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 15 Jan 2003 10:06

    The iPod wasn't dropped. It's been well looked after.

    I arrived at work yesterday and put my bag (containing said iPod) on the desk and got to work. Then I heard it still playing. Turned it off via the remote and thought nothing more of it. Later on when I wanted to show Mike (Golding) the calendar I had been using on it, there was no sign of life at all. Maybe a flat battery I thought. So I took it home to give it a charge and still nothing. DOA!

    • avatar
    • scott
    • Wed 15 Jan 2003 10:07

    BTW - If you want to utilize any version of JDK for a server-based app, just go JBoss/Tomcat route.

    I moved from doing <solely> Notes/Domino work last year. In the last year, have done only Java/Oracle/Websphere/JSP/Struts and our applications look cleaner and are easier to understand. It's even easier once you pick/understand a framework (like Struts/Hiberate/etc...) and utilize Design Patterns.

    Design Patterns/Frameworks are one area that Domino is very much lacking. Outside of a couple of vendors (TeamStudio/etc..) there <to my knowledge> are not any initiatives to provide this in an open-source sense.

    • avatar
    • Binger
    • Wed 15 Jan 2003 10:35

    But Domino, as it stands, would benefit very little from "design patterns". Patterns are a valid concept, don't get me wrong, but Domino is a not an OOP platform.

    For example, Struts is an interesting technology, but at this stage, it appears to be fairly rubbish.

    As for Jake being a "comic book hero", well he's certainly comical (I bet this won't get published).

  2. That's the reason that I didn't buy an iPod. I read on the apple forums that some of them would go dead for no reason. But that was a year ago, would have thought apple would have fixed it by now. I think some people fixed it by opening the unit and disconnecting the battery then reconnecting it.

    Also the 90 day warranty for such an expensive device made me pass it up. Which is a shame becaue it is a very cool device.

  3. Jake, I know I promised ;-) But anyway: the iPod... I don't have one, but FWIW, I have heard things about units with eiether defective hard drives or batteries.

    Which do you think may be the culprit? Either way, a 90 day guarantee would suck, if it were true.

  4. on your Ipod hold down the menu and playpause button together for about 10 sec, and then let go it should show the apple logo and then boot up (that is if you have not done this already)

    • avatar
    • Tom Quinn
    • Wed 15 Jan 2003 14:31

    Jake - didn't you ever notice that IPOD backwards is DOPI?

  5. Tom - that is cute ;-)

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Written by Jake Howlett on Wed 15 Jan 2003

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