
The Real Tube Map

As always, the two weeks off work have flown by and end tomorrow. Thanks to Mike for reminding me I have nothing to look forward to.

Something else I won't be looking forward to is my twice-daily half hour jaunt on the Tube. Whilst I share my fascination with it with Jason Kottke mine is more of a love-hate relationship. After the umpteenth "signal failure" the novelty begins to wear off.

Because I have nothing better to do today and still can't think of anything useful to blog about I've taken the geographically correct map Jason found and compared it to the iconic Harry Beck schematic.

London tube map

The top part is as they would have us believe London is laid out, with all the stations equidistant and in one nice straight line. London isn't New York though and, as you can see from the bottom part, the stations are all over the place. My journey starts at the westerly end of the Central (red) line and travels the 18 stops (which I can recite the list of at will) to Liverpool Street. Riveting. Wonder how many more minutes I could have in bed each morning if it was a straight line...


    • avatar
    • Tone
    • Sun 1 Jun 2003 03:10

    I've not seen the "geographically correct" one before. I'm actually suprised how closely it does resemble the schematic. I used to live in Kennigton on the Northern Line (no I didn't actually LIVE on the Northern Line). I used to travel "up" the Northern Line to Highgate, where I had an ex-girlfriend living. Riveting.

    This could become a new trend. Call it "Station Dropping" or something.

    On the subject of Domino (what, here?) I now have "live" a site of mine that owes its existence to the help I've received from Jake and codestore in general. It's about a certain annual endurance sportscar race at Le Mans. No real CONTENT yet, but the design's there to see if anyone's mildly interested - might want to see what I've done with the help you've all given me. It's buggy as hell, but hopefully you shouldn't notice that too much from your end. The Notes client side is still awful, but that's just my problem! lemansworld.org is where it's at.

    • avatar
    • PaulP
    • Tue 1 Jul 2003 14:50

    Next time your luxuriating in the tube think of my trip to work. No escalators, stations, trains or gaps to be minded. Just a pair of sneakers and 6 or so kilometers of dirt track through parrot and kangaroo infested eucalyptus forrest and grassland.

    Then up 6 flights of steps to a shower, breakfast and a screenfull of SVG.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 1 Jul 2003 16:09

    I'll swap you, anyday!

    • avatar
    • Tone
    • Fri 1 Aug 2003 05:47

    I didn't know kangaroos were considered infestations. I thought they were your friends?

    Sounds great. I only run in the gym, and it's hardly the same.

    • avatar
    • PaulP
    • Mon 1 Dec 2003 07:03

    Ok so my tongue was at least partially in my cheek. However there are plenty of Australian farmers who would say kangaroos are an infestation. There are almost certainly more of them now then there were when James Cook came this way. Reduced predation, clearing of forrests and provision of water for stock have all worked in their favour. Not so for many other marsupials whose numbers have been significantly reduced.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Sun 5 Jan 2003

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  • avatar PaulP about 22 years ago
  • avatar Tone about 22 years ago
  • avatar Jake about 22 years ago
  • avatar PaulP about 22 years ago
  • avatar Tone about 22 years ago

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