
Back To London

Finally I am back in London. Not quite back in to all of this yet though, so don't expect much from me for the next few days. The flat's got 6 guests at the moment so it's all a bit hectic. Just wanted to let you know I was still alive.

Santa caught on my grandma's neghbour's roof

Christmas was good. Lots of mum's cooking and far too many of her excellent cakes (I've always been spoilt by having a cookery teacher for a mum). Although I'm not a religious person and think Christmas is a mockery of a sham it does offer the only chance I get to see a lot of my family each year, so I don't mind going along with it.

Have a good time tomorrow and I shall see you all in 2003....


    • avatar
    • C.S. Lewis
    • Mon 30 Dec 2002 15:25

    Mere Christianity

    New York: MacMillian, 1943.

    • avatar
    • Stan Rogers
    • Mon 30 Dec 2002 17:27

    Good to see you alive again, Jack! They've found a cure for dead, then? When do we get another sequel to Perelandra?

    • avatar
    • Gaston
    • Tue 31 Dec 2002 06:27

    Happy New Year Jake !

    • avatar
    • Tone
    • Tue 31 Dec 2002 07:27

    "Jack" ???

    • avatar
    • Stan Rogers
    • Tue 31 Dec 2002 13:41

    "Jack" (or "Jacksie" in his younger days) was the preferred name of address for one Clive Staples Lewis, author of the Narnia series of children's books, the Perelandra series of sort-of-sci-fi Christian allegories, and several of the best-known and most highly regarded essays proselytising for Anglicanism in particular (and Christianity, or at least SOME religiousity) in the twentieth century. Having thought him dead since 22 Nov. 1963, I found it rather surprising to see him posting here of all places.

    • avatar
    • Richard Shergold
    • Sat 1 Feb 2003 02:58

    22 Nov. 1963 - the day Kennedy was shot. Did CS Lewis die on the same day then ?

    • avatar
    • Tone
    • Sat 1 Feb 2003 06:39

    Not a good day to be famous then?

    What could we have done if we had a time machine and could have travelled back to that date?

    Perhaps we could have travelled to the States, stood on a grassy knoll and shouted "DUCK".

    (Gag ripped from Red Dwarf, Grant/Naylor)

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 30 Dec 2002

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