Quick Q&A
Questions and Answers. A few things I've been asked in the last few days. Should probably be in the FAQs page but what the heck!
Q. Why do I insist on approving posts before they appear against a blog? Does that not show a level of distrust to your users!
A. For various reasons, the least of which is distrust. It's mainly so that I can control content. They say that content is king and I believe them. The last thing you want to do is read through piles of nothing to get to something. It's rare that I don't "approve" a post. When I do it's usually because it's wrong, off-topic or just plain stupid. Another reason is that, because of the way the posts work, you can, as it stands, post HTML. I need to keep an eye on what people post and sometimes make links in to actual links and correct mistakes before they have dire consequences. This may all change soon.
Q. Why didn't I just give the DomBlog template to the guys at OpenNTF?
A. Well, you could say the same of all the templates I've released in the past. Although I guess this one's different because I'm on record as having said they could have it. Me and my false promises! Anyway, again it comes down to control and me having it all. Plus I have no idea what they are up to over there...
Q. Can I change the logo on the DomBlog template?
A. Of course you can. I expect that you would ;o)
Also today: Andy Davies reminds me that I was recently added to the Martin Scott SuperSearch. I see they've got a new look too. Not bad!
Jake, i like that font of your logo, can you tell us where we can find that ;)
Jake, it looks like they made a typo (or changed your name for you!) in the status bar text for the link to CodeStore on Martin Scott SuperSearch. They have you as "Jake Howlette".