
Surreal Happenings

Something rather surreal happened to me today. I'm in the process of evaluating ProcessIT and PowerFlow for a suitable workfow tool. So, there I am, watching the demo for ProcessIT and what do I see in the presenter's Links bar? CodeStore!

Me link it a lot

Maybe I should expect things like this seeing as though there are quite a few of you read this but it's still a nice surprise. Bit like seeing yourself on TV, not that that's ever happened to me.

So they've bought themselves some free publicity and I have to now try and stay impartial in my verdict ;o)

An insight from Ned Batchelder on how Notes' Rich-Text format translates to HTML. It touches on why I think Domino has its weaknesses—the fact that Notes predates the Web. Were it the case that Domino was designed "from the ground up" as a pure web server I'm pretty sure we'd all be much happier bunnies. But then that would take the fun out of it all wouldn't it.


    • avatar
    • Ben Poole
    • Thu 11 Apr 2002 10:24

    I like Ned's blog - been following it since around March (I think), and he always has some interesting stuff up there. Does anyone know what he's doing now? He doesn't mention his work on his blog... would be interesting to know who he works for.

    On a related point, per the LDD, apparently Damian Katz is going to work for Groove!

    • avatar
    • Brandon
    • Thu 11 Apr 2002 12:03

    I don't know anything about ProcessIT but PowerFlow is very impressive. The sort of stuff that should have been built into Notes/Domino in the first place.

    The biggest problem with it is that it requires you to run on wintel. (at least last I knew.) So if you're already doing that, it's fantastic.

    • avatar
    • Ed Falcon
    • Thu 11 Apr 2002 21:37

    I'm sure it was nice, but you really shouldn't be surprised. This is my IE Links Bar. Bet this doesn't make you feel like your on T.V. though. 8) What's yours look like?

    quick links

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Sat 11 May 2002 03:45

    Like this:


    • avatar
    • Jaap
    • Sat 11 May 2002 04:24

    Jake, I am in the middle of buying the Lotus.Workflow product. My thoughts are that a Lotus Centric tool is a better future investment while there are also API's hooking into e.g. Websphere.

    Being indepent from foreign workflow engines rather than LotusScript libs, in practice all those tools do the same and are based on the same combinations of logic, organisation and engine capabilities

  1. I have been developing workflows in Powerflow for 3 years now and it does a good job in many ways.

    Firstly it certainly cuts down on the time spent writing code to move docs around, and the delegation feature is great for folks on holiday......but unless you use version 6 (the latest) it is VERY memory intensive (we have a dual processor server with 2Gb RAM and it used 1.5Gb and never released it).

    Maintaining the hierarchy takes a bit of work to start with but then works well with any domino personnel database.

  2. We piloted Powerflow for an app which was very logic-intensive, and found that it was a little too inflexible, due to the nature of the aim to make it all as easy as possible. The nature of our logic meant embedding complex formulas in Powerflow, which sort of negated the reason for using it, so we ended up writing our own logic. The result was certainly quicker (the old version slowed the server to a halt) but more expensive to write.

    • avatar
    • Millie
    • Tue 11 Jun 2002 16:13

    how are you guys posting graphics in your posts? I tried, but I can't post a graphic in this box.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 11 Jun 2002 16:22

    Millie - Ed uploaded the image to his own server and then typed in the HTML to this box like so:

    <img src="his image location" />

    • avatar
    • Dave
    • Thu 11 Jul 2002 10:45

    Ben: Actually, the LDD thread has been expanded (by Damien himself, no less), and it looks like he's actually heading to a startup called Kubisoft.

    • avatar
    • Ben Poole
    • Thu 11 Jul 2002 13:59

    Yeah, I saw that... interesting. I wonder what Kubisoft will actually deliver?

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 4 Nov 2002

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