
CodeStore Stays With Domino

Okay, so I've relented. You might even say that I've seen sense. Codestore will stay as it is and will not be moving to PHP/MySQL as I've been so adamant it would over the past month or so.

Why the change of mind? Well, various reasons really, which I won't bore us all with right now. Let's just say that I've got somewhere else to get my PHP fixes from ;o)

Please none of the "Does this mean the end of codestore?" - "Will you be spending all your time on another site?" talk, thank you. Whatever will be, will be.


  1. I was surprise to read that you've changed your mind on the PHP/MySQL option for Codestore. It looked like you almost had it finished. Jake when you started talking about CSS, I started looking at it as well and totally converted a Domino site into CSS and eliminated as many tables as I could (I almost did too). Then you started talking about PHP, well that inspired me to re-write my site again, prior to launching it, and I wanted to do some more Java development and learn Struts (open source MVC architecture), so I am currently re-writing the my site using Java and Oracle (I had a copy laying around). I started about a month ago and am still working on it (sometimes hard to find extra time). Where am I going with this?? I just wanted you to know that I've been inspired with Codestore and keeping up with your ideas (i.e. trying interesting things) with the ultimate goal of developing my skills in other technical areas. Thanks for the inspiration.

    • avatar
    • ferdy
    • Mon 11 Feb 2002 05:19

    Wow Jake, you're a busy bee. I think it's a good idea to separate both interests/sites, and I'm going to keep track of both sites every day. Good luck and keep up the good work!

    • avatar
    • Tone
    • Mon 11 Feb 2002 09:29

    I'm suprised too! I thought you were dead set on codestore going PHP!

    I can't deny being pleased that (until I get my own examples online), I will still be able to show people codestore as an example of how non-domino a Domino site can look using pass-thru instead of Domino generated markup.

    Good to see you've got another blog on the go!

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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 1 Nov 2002

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  • avatar Tone about 22 years ago
  • avatar ferdy about 22 years ago
  • avatar Matt V about 22 years ago

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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