
More nonsense

Sunday's exercise had some interesting side effects that help put stats like this in context. The results from Sunday are *real* people reading the blog rather than bombarding search engines. Turns out there's a nice stream of you passing by roughly every 3 or 4 minutes.

What's also interesting is some of the information you can glean from this data. For instance, somebody visited who has NetCaptor installed. Looks nice. Somebody else arrived because they searched Google for "Sending HTML Emails".

My favourite program, TopStyle, is on its way to version 3.1 (beta). There are some nice new features, like the ability to validate your markup with the W3C. If you haven't already, get a copy. TopStyle good, FrontPage baaad...

In today's mailbag, a message from 亚金 周 to say:

I am a notes developer in china. I am glad to see your website...

I'm also glad—that he can see it at all! [update - you can check whether a site is accessible from this site. I tested Warner Bros. and that it inaccessible...


  1. Mmmm, think it was me who's got netcaptor installed... Thanks for mentioning me!

    • avatar
    • Jan-Piet Mens
    • Tue 22 Oct 2002 09:38

    I had a short peek at Netcaptor's description but couldn't find a good reason for purchasing a browser (I enjoy Mozilla's tabbed browsing)

    Is it any good ?

    • avatar
    • Tone
    • Tue 22 Oct 2002 09:48

    Ah. I seeeee. For quite some minutes, I thought that thing checked for "accessibility" meaning what designers mean when they talk about shortcuts and useability and all that jazz.

    Censorship is something that dismays me.

    • avatar
    • Donald Zhou
    • Wed 23 Oct 2002 00:12

    I am Ñǽð ÖÜ.I am glad that jake replays to me.I can access this site easily.Maybe the test is unbelievable.Haha.(In chinese,this word impress glad because the pronunciation of this word likes the peoples' laughter).

    I am a student of Soochow University and will graduate the next year.Wish to be your good friend .

    If my poor English disturbs you,please forgive me.

    • avatar
    • jerome
    • Wed 23 Oct 2002 03:08

    Look in the recent requests list, it says:

    http://codestore.net - Reported as inaccessible in China ??

    seems that someone does not want you to be glad to be read in China.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 23 Oct 2002 03:30

    Hi Donald. When you say your name is Ñǽð ÖÜ I guess you mean 亚金 周, which to get to work I had to use the HTML entities 亚金 周 and which doesn't appear to display well on all PCs. Maybe needs the Chinese character set installed.

    Jerome. If you add the WWW it says it *is*. No idea why or how much trust can be placed on that test... if Donald is in China and he can see it that's proof enough for me.

    • avatar
    • Shawna Hogan
    • Wed 23 Oct 2002 06:32

    Hi Jake,

    If I may quote you, as per your site's stats: "average hits per day ... now is a whopping 24,341."

    The number is truly whopping. You should be proud.

    Now, if you would please quote me (again) on your website.

    ?soap box pleeze...ah, hum?

    All thousands of codestore moochers should be ashamed. Jake provides insight and inspiration at a cost to him of sweat, slog, and surely loss of sleep; yet, not but three gifts of gratitude from the greedy group!?!

    SHAME ON YOU! Enough said - I hope!

  2. Just testing (see inline response comment) ð Ð æ þ í ö ú á .

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 23 Oct 2002 07:30

    Hi Shawna. Not sure I want to lay this guilt-trip on my readers (although I agree with what you're saying ;o)

    Just imagine my poor old postman trying to deliver 24,000 books though.... I'm just happy to get any at all.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 23 Oct 2002 07:30

    You mean this one Jon? Looks okay to me, not sure what you've done wrong your side... might be a Domino version bug thing. CodeStore runs on "Lotus-Domino (Release 5.0.8 - June 18, 2001 on Solaris x86)"

  3. Yes, my test from above seems to be working ok on your site... I'm runing Domino 6 so it might be that, haven't tested it on 5.

    hmm... (scratch head) well thanks anyway

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 22 Oct 2002

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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